Chapter 59

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"You knew, didn't you?" Max asked in a low voice, resisting the urge to destroy everything around him, anger seeping out of him made the temperature around them drop drastically.

Phana on the other hand, continued to seek for Beam through his mate bond, ignoring everyone around him, Pha was on rage trying to break control over his human and seek his mate.

"Does their condition have anything to do with it?" Forth asked "Is there any ancient spell or ritual that would need them to be with young?"

"Nothing that I can think of" Ming answered while he focused on Kit, who stood in the very spot his eyes no longer the bright and pleasant purple but something darker.

"What do we do not?" Max asked, "Why isn't your goddess answering?"

Everyone was silent, all worried at the same time clueless on what to do next.

"She crossed all lines" Kit turned to Phana, ignoring everyone around "Do you still feel your mate bond?"

Phana nodded while Max stood still.

Kit's eyes were now amber, one that matched his mates. He looked at Jihyo "Use their link, and open a portal to them"

He turned to look at Irin and Posh, "Forth" he continued "use net, tie them to the Anchor". Posh was about to say something when Kit quickly continued "you two stay here with the witches and don't you dare follow us"

Irin and Posh, kneeled under the command, one that was even heavier than that of Kimmon's.

"Phana, Max get to your mates", he then fixed his gaze on Forth "remember your vow, pull and guide them out"

Forth nodded, while Ming walked closer to Kit. Phana and Max, stood ready.

Ming silently nodded, not sure if it was Nila or Kit who was in control. For the first time ever, even Kimmon was unable to distinguish, for their mates were truly one at this point.

Phana managed to finally take control over his wolf, at Kit's words "You are not coming with us?"

Kit ignored, but focused on Jisoo "His link will open the portal directly to where Beam is, and hold the anchor but close the portal immediately once they are in"

"But..." Jisoo started to say something, when Kit turned to Ming "let's seek her, we are no longer playing by their rules"

Ming softly chuckled "now, you speak like me?!"

"I just don't care anymore" Kit snapped and Nila's howl echoed through the empty land "Fuck destiny, fuck the gods, I only want them back safe"


Maeve ran her long finger along Tul's face and chuckled "Your tricks don't work on me, Winter Prince"

He averted his eyes and pulled back from her touch.

The stench was getting to him, and Beam had already lost consciousness and even in that state he could sense Tee, struggling to connect with his mate.

"You think you are special?" Maeve found Tul's resistance amusing, revenge on white wolf or Diane didn't matter now, not when she could consume these two and be indestructible.

"You think you are one of a kind winter prince, first ever Fairy to carry a young?"

Tul was surprised, for his kind didn't possess a soul. Their existence is mere that.... existence, they had no life in them.

"Well, no" Maeve chuckled. She only had to wait while her witches prepared for the blood ritual.

"1st ever was the Summer King, and from him came the purest soul that could rival the gods in his power. Well, many of us wanted to remove the child's existence. Only a few, including your precious Diane opposed to that idea."

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