Chapter 36

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"See you guys in few" Kit said mostly looking only at Ming, as he tightened his grip around the Mordor's knife.

He was nervous at the same time there was this strong confidence in him which he could not place where it was coming from, definitely not from Ming or Phana, but it was enough for him to believe that all will be okay.

Jisoo nodded, while Jihyo looked very vulnerable as opposed to her usual self "come back in one piece Kit" she said as he stepped into the portal.

Kit only nodded, and was immediately sucked into a vortex and before he could blink he was spit out in front of the gigantic Oak tree, where it had all started.

He stood there standing for a second in all the hurry, he never learnt how to cut open so called the veil.

"Now would be a good time to speak" Kit said out loud mostly to himself and Nila, and he just sighed when Nila muttered 'here I thought we are one.... ' Kit could feel her sigh, she was anxcious for her pups and was on the edge, but despite the situation he could not marvel at the fact how alike they both were.

"Do you think goddess would help?" he asked her, as he looked around for any sign ... he was sure Maeve must have this place guarded. 'Trust her and let's aks' Nila responded 'it may not seem like it, but she is indeed benevolent and would do all that is within her power to help protect us'

Kit closed his eyes, unsure what to do he silently thought of his friends, Irin and Posh running around trying their best to irritate the trio and get into their gang... lastly his thought rested on Ming, his worried look just as he stepped into the portal.

'Oh dear goddess...' it sounded weird to him, he took a deep breath 'Please.. help me. I just want them to be safe and healthy... please help me save them... I know it is not exactly a prayer... am not sure what to even ask, but ....'

'Well, if that is not a prayer... I don't know what is' Kit heard Lady Diana's voice and snap opened his eyes only to find the goddess stand before him in human form, simply dressed in white

"Thank you" he said, feeling overwhelmed "please help us... we are do lost"

'I trust you all' he heard again, but Lady Diana only smiled at him her lips not moving 'close your eyes and I will guide you with the symbol to open the veil'

Kit nodded, he wanted to ask about the wolves, but she continued 'trust your wolf and follow your heart, it will lead you to them. I promise your safe return Kit and that of your children's' and then she was there no more.

Kit took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as he took the Mordor's knife in his hands and he started drawing the symbol without realizing

There was gush of find, as he felt the air around him swrill and he opened his eyes only to find a something fluttering like an invisible screen... he slowly tried to move it with the knife and just like opening a screen it fluttered open.

He secured the knife around his legs as he took a last breath before phasing letting Nila take control.

Kit looked down saw white paw's and felt the knife tightly secured around his hind legs, a bit surprised that he still felt like himself.

The air around him felt heavy, an eerie silence surrounding him except for his breathing and sound of his paws thudding on the ground. He looked around, and there was nothing to see except for deep forest.

Nila pushed forward, her instinct guiding her into the deep forest – which was very silent against its very nature... and suddenly a small whimper pierced through the emptiness making her stop on spot.

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