Chapter 44

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"Phana..." Forth froze midway with shopping bags in his hands and Jihyo started calling Beam. 

He tried to concentrate on the weird connection he had started feeling with his so-called pack members, and his link with Phana was the strongest  followed by Irin and Jihyo.

"They are okay" Jihyo replied as she disconnected "apparently Kit had a vision and they lost their link with him; hence the sudden panic"

"Oh" was all Forth could reply "I don't suppose you want to hurry back"

"You got it right" Jihyo said as she walked ahead, entering another clothing establishment, and Forth followed with a sigh.

"How about this?" Jihyo walked out of the dressing room after 10 mins in a pretty red dress "I think this is good"

"hmmm" was all Forth could reply, he was tired and at the same time annoyed by the tight and tiny clothes that she seemed to be picking out, none of them were what he would choose for her to wear, at least not in public , he quickly shook himself from that thought but held his silence knowing it is not his place to talk.

"say something" Jihyo huffed in front of him

"it will all be okay and you will do just fine during the ritual" Forth answered calmly

"Huh?" Jihyo looked at him, taken aback.

"you and your sister are the most powerful witches I have come across and remember I have lived for a long time" Forth said, as he picked up all the bag and stood "you don't have to worry a bit"

Jihyo smiled softly, just a minuscule, after a long time while he patiently waited for her response, "thanks"

"and that dress is very sexy so.... for god sake, please return that damm thing" Forth walked away leaving her smiling.


"Why are we always here?" Beam frowned "I don't like this place at all" he muttered to himself as they set things up for the binding ritual in the clearing.

"You don't really expect me to honor your whining with a response, right?" Jihyo snapped, earning a glare from Phana "great... defend him" she said to herself as she concentrated on casting the circle along with Jisoo

"Guys... cut it" Kit said softly "I understand you are all on the edge, but we can't be at each other's throat all the time"

"easy for you to say" Jihyo commented under her breath "mom....."

Ming chuckled on hearing her words, resulting in a frown from Kit. He quickly straightened his expression.

Forth sat on the ground with both the young wolves, his hands wrapped softly over the grey one while the brown wolf was pacing around them restless.

Alec and Lien sat silently as they watched the children work, she turned toward her husband "will they be fine?"

"We have the whole pack guarding the house" Alec said softly "not to mention the wards and Wayo"

"I still feel like we should have got them here", missing her youngest as they had to leave unconscious Irin and Posh under Sean's and his packs care while they were performing the ritual in the clearing.

"Mom" Phana walked towards her "the wards are strong; if anything, we will only be attacked first and I think they are more safe there", he quickly scanned the peripheral again watching the places where Azure's and demons where trying to break in.

He was sure they were all set to attack the instant Jihyo breaks the circle. 

Lien sighed but held her tongue. Her child or not, Phana is their pack leader and his words goes.

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