Chapter Eighteen: The City of despair

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There was no life in this city.

Which was a bad sign, as he knew that there should be the zombie dogs, mutant cats, fused and feral beings that lived here.

The quake that wasn't a quake had made some of them flee, but even yesterday patrols had said that they'd spotted the usual 'things' there.

Greytone sighed, knowing that this would be easier for him, since he wouldn't be dodging attacks, but it would be harder at the same time, as their locations would have given him clues on the entrance to wherever the Eaters was.

'They were eaten.' He thought with a wince, knowing that the Eater Sans must not be the only one here.

Gulping, he walked into the outskirts of the city, with dread prickling at his bones.

In the shadows behind him, teeth briefly glinted.


"Siiing.. sing.. Sing..." A demented voice giggled.

And it was a Papyrus too, he was totally insane but his body was in a far better condition then the other Monsters that she could make out in the darkness.

"Why?" She asked, glad that the giant Eater wasn't about.

"Brother said that you'll be singing for the painter, I love singing." Papyrus said, Chaos felt a moment of horror when she realized what Papyrus was saying when he said that the big Eater was a Sans.

And also pity, because this one was not like her Papyrus, his Multiverse had broken him in ways that was only cruel.

"Sing..." Papyrus said. Chaos sighed.


If Greytone saw one more Bitty store he would be sick, with so many AU's being crushed together, with them being from different multiverses, and apparently, one of those had been a bittyverse.

Since he'd never seen a bitty about, they had probably died or they been eaten.

Poor little cute beings.

He would definitely never admit on paying Bluescreen to make bitty clothing, and donating them to bitty places, and playing with the bitties for hours on end.

He wondered if Chaos liked Bitties?

A tremor went on below the ground, pulling his mind back into focus.

He had being feeling the random pulses every now and then, but in the five hours that he'd been in the city, he hadn't found any traces and the collapsed area from the earthquake was just a cement graveyard.

This time, the pulses grew.

"Crap!" He cried jumping away, as the ground exploded.

A demented monster of too many teeth and too many claws/talons and spines erupted from the new hole in the ground.

"Oh hello, I hope that you like acid!" Greytone grinned, The Eater screamed as it was eaten alive by the red paint and so did the five eaters behind it in the tunnel.

"Nice.." A voice said, Candy's voice.

"It was so nice of them to leave their front door open for us." Greytone smirked and he stepped down into the darkness, he didn't say a word when Candy followed him, staying several feet behind him.


Sing...?" The Papyrus begged.

Chaos sighed, she was so tired... and she wanted Grey so badly.

"It's time to sing little Canary." A voice growled, and a huge hand picked up the cage.

She gulped, because in the dim light, she could see the too many teeth that were way too sharp.

"Sing, sing!" The Papyrus sang below her.

"Sing or die little Canary." Eater Sans snarled, shaking the cage, with her broken arm banging against the bars.

Chaos winced, holding her broken arm closer to herself, even as she took a deep breath...

It was a half remembered song from the time before she came here, when all three of her dorks had caught a cold from playing in the snow in an ice based AU and they had watched a movie together...

"They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy. They can say, they can say I've lost my mind...

I don't care, I don't care if they call me crazy. We can live in a world that we design... '

Cause every night I lie in bed, the brightest colours fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake.

I think of what the world could be, a vision of the one I see. A million dreams is all it's gonna take. A million dreams for the world we're gonna make..."


"I'm hearing singing.." Greytone said, as he stepped over the dusting remains of multiple monsters.

"..." Candy said.

"It's Chaos! She's singing! We're close." Greytone said in relief.


She kept on singing.

"There's a house we can build, every room inside is filled with things from far away.

The special things I compile, each one there to make you smile, on a rainy day."

"CHAOS!" A voice screamed.

"GREY!" She yelled. "I'M OVER HERE! GREY!"

Greytone ran into a humongous cavern, with his magic giving him night vision.

"Geeze..." Candy said taking the area in, and.. oh the millions of eaters gathered everywhere, even the ones clinging to the walls.

"Chaos..." He said, his eyes seeking the one being that meant more then anything to him.

"Grey... I'm up here!" She kicked the bars of her cage.

"I see you Chaos." Greytone said.

"Yeah, and do you notice the giant Sans holding her cage?" Candy asked sarcastically, and Grey gave him a dry look.

"Your point being?" Greytone replied, it was hard to miss.

"..." Candy muttered.

She felt like crying. "Grey..." She cradled her broken arm closer to herself, even as a single tear slipped down her cheek.

"You hurt my girlfriend who I want to marry, and you have eaten and destroyed multiple Multiverses. Prepare to die..." Greytone said, with a smile that was really unfriendly looking.

"Come and reclaim my Canary little Painter, you'll all make good meals." The Eater Sans laughed.

And as if they had given a command, the hordes of eaters attacked.

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