Chapter Ten: Siren

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"Please no! Gahhhh!" a voice screamed.

It ended with a gurgle.

The sound of crunching filled the air.

They still weren't full, they never were.

None of them were.


They needed more!

They howled, a blistering scream filling the air and shaking the earth around them.


It was loud.


People cried and collapsed, covering there ears in vain hope to stop the sound.

Greytone covered his earholes as multi-colored magic tainted tears slipped down his face, its hurt so much.

Then the shaking started.

Of course it starts on his break.

Stone shifted.

"Out! Out! Out of the caverns now!"" Chaos shouted as the earth howled and shifted under there feet.

"Paws don't let me down now!" Fire cried running towards the entrance of caving systems.

Greytone helped people up through the pain, the sound and shaking.

It was not fun to run over the heaving ground, its was like waves moving below the souls of his sneakers.

"Is everyone here!" Chaos demanded as they collapsed outside on the still shaking earth, counting heads.

Greytone sighed in relief as everyone had gotten out safely.

"Woah!" MK cried looking at the city.

"Oh... not good," Chaos said also staring.

Greytone gulped, as they watched in the centre of the city as least a block of buildings collapsed sending dust and dirt plumes into the air.

The earth gave another rumble and stopped.


"This is a nightmare," Sci sighed as he tried to relax by a campfire, patrols were all around the camp as they were planning to check if the caverns were still stable til morning.

"At least were okay," Greytone replied, idly the amnesic poked the fire with a stick

"Hopefully the caves are still okay, we still need to have your surgery," Sci said dusting dirt off his hands.

"Do you think I'll get my memories back?" Greytone asked.

"There's a good chance due to how powerful your magic is," Sci hummed.

"But what if I don't... what if I don't want to remember," Greytone said unhappily replied, the fire gave off a pop as a piece of wood split.

"Why wouldn't you want to remember?" Sci asked bewildered.

Grey tone looked down then sighed, and turned slightly to look at where Chaos was directing people.

"Grey... remembering doesn't mean forgetting new memories," Sci said, he was about to continue when a scream split the air.

They jumped to there feet and spun around.

Eyes.. so many glowing eyes.

"Everyone retreat! Back to the caverns!" Chaos yelled.

At that moment the mutated Cats and Zombie Dogs invaded the camp.

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