Chapter One: Greytone World

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"Oi! Your going to sleep through breakfast sleepyhead." a voice shouted almost next to his head, with a shout the skeleton fell out of bed.

"You didn't need to call right next to my head MK," he said to the small monster child.

"No, but its funny," the armless monster giggled.

"Shoo kiddo, I need to get ready for the day," he said allowing a grin to come to his face, then hissed as a rather vicious Migraine made the world spin.

"Sans! Greytone is having a migraine," MK said running downstairs.

Greytone winced, the way he was feeling there was a good chance he'd be curled up in bed for the day.

Greytone was his name, or it was now.

They'd all met when he was covered with endless grey ask and dust.

His first memories were of pain and endless ruined landscape, he had no clue how he'd come across one of the few places people lived in this broken AU. Yes Au, apparently this had been a rather nice AU once before it all went to Hell in a hand basket.

The local Sans, hadn't even had a chance to gain a nickname outside the AU when it happened and had died but there was a sans from another AU that kept it from totally corrupting and collapsing the AU.

Suddenly this Au and ten others were just cut off from anything but the other ten AU's, as there worlds had merged. Due to the sudden over crowding, war had broken out. In the end, too many red buttons were hit.

Due to magic some monsters survived, rebuilding mostly underground. Not in the original mountain. That was rubble.

While his skull had healed, his memories had no returned and he'd suffered migraines since.

"Hey," a voice said quietly, and he winced not have heard the other coming.

"Sorry Greytone, I brought up breakfast," a voice said gently.

"Thanks Chaos," Greytone said with a weak smile, as the swap sans put a plate on his bed side table.

"You take it easy Grey, I don't want to ever find you like it did last year," Chaos said helping him back to bed, her.. her her brown ecto hair was pulled back into a tight braid to keep the dust out. She was wearing her armor, so she was likely working at her sentry job today. He did like her eyelights though, dark blue and he sometimes saw a lighter blue in the shape of stars.

Apparently she had been visiting of the Au's when it happened, and worried about her friends.

Greytone just wished he could remember his friends.

"Thanks," he said smiling though the pain.

"I heard there a Sci sans in another town, might be heading this way. He might be able to help you," she said and left.

At this point anything to relieve the pain would help.

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