Chapter Nine: Nothing to see

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Ever changing eyes opened and blinked sleepily, the world a fog around him.

'Too early' he thought, shifting to get deeper under the covers.

The scent of mica berries entered his nose, he knew that it was a type pf berry grown with magic that female monsters used for fur and hair.

'Chaos hair sure smells nice,' he thought humming.

"...." he said coming wide awake, realizing his position and where his arms were.

He became a rainbow of a blush.

"Too tights," Chaos muttered in her sleep.

"Eep..." Greytone said, and fell out of the bed dragging the covers and Chaos with him.


"You could have just asked if you wanted me on top," Chaos teased with a grin, she'd landed on top of Grey in a straddling position.

Grey passed out with a nosebleed.

"Tease," Chaos sighed.


Greytone fled to work, only briefly grabbing toast as he left.

The others in the building blinked at seeing the usually morning zombie speed through.

Twenty minutes later Chaos came down.

She was not expecting them to clap.

"Yeah... that didn't happen," she said with a sniff, grabbed a bowl of cereal and glared at anyone that tried to inquire on the thump and Greys blush.


"You got here fast," Fire said, somehow opening the over to pull food out without hands. How she did it Greytone didn't know, as it just seemed to happen and he couldn't even feel magic being used.

"I woke up earlier then usual," he replied.

"Uh huh," Fire said, and even though she was made of fire he knew she was smirking.

"No really that's it!" he protested, wishing he'd just stop blushing already.

"And how is Chaos?" she asked.

"Why..." he whined.

"Bring this meal to table four, and this dish to six," Fire said placing meals on the counter.

Greytone nodded, dropping a pancake dish to a robed kid with an eyepatch and the second breakfast to...

"Fresh to see you!" Fresh smirked.

"Hello again," Greytone said.

"So I hear your girlfriend and you had some fun," Fresh cackled.

Greytone fled.


In another multiverse, a purple garbed skeleton wanted to murder someone.

He didn't know why, but he did.

For some reason, Dreamswap Nightmare felt he should blame Ink.


"Hey Sans!" An Undyne slung her arm around Chaos's shoulders. "I heard a little rumour doing around..."

"If you finish that question Undyne, then I will not be responsible for what happens next!" Chaos screamed, holding up her Blaster Hammer, with her eyes glowing purple. "Because nothing happened!"

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