Chapter Eleven: In the night it rages

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Because its my Birthday June 14, have an update again

Chaos only had split seconds to summon her blaster Hammer to block a strike, she winces as a claw almost got through her gloves. Quickly she summoned a Gaster blaster, blasting of course the mutant cat back and slamming it into three others.

They scrabbled, a zombie dob taking a chunk out of the feline that had landed on it.

She winced and starting bashing and blasting away, to many innocents were depending on her to stop now.

"I'm not food!" Fire screamed running away from a cat.

Chaos was about to turn to help the small monster when she heard a pained yelp, and the mutant cat ran the other direction.

"Oh! You don't like fire. GET BACK HERE AND BURN!" Fire screaming chasing her attacker.

"Lets get this over with," Chaos groaned, the day was already too long and tiring and now the mutant cats and the zombie dogs had fled the city and attacked them to eat them.

Did she just see a tiny dragon kill a Zombie Dog with a teddy bear?

No.. she must be more tired then she thought.

"BUUUURN!" cackled the hedgehog made of fire.

Chaos frowned, bashing another mutant in the face with her hammer, before she pressed a hidden trigger, which sent a blast of magic right into the mutant, before she swung the hammer around to bash a mutant that was sneaking up on her.

Mutant blood was sprayed across her face and into her hair, and she growled.

She hate it when she got blood and narrow in her hair, did these things not know how hard it was to get them out, especially when it was dry?!

She slammed her hammer into the mutant's face again, pressing the trigger and sending it flying.


Greytone wished he knew how to fight.

He had a stick, but that wasn't going to do much.

Idly as he helped others retreat back to the caverns, he wondered if his past self 'Ink' had known how to fight.

'This is just a Nightmare' Greytone thought, and briefly wondered why he'd added the Cap to the word nightmare.

The howl, earthquakes and now invasions.

"This.. is not what I wanted to see..." someone else said, and Greytone agreed.

A giant worm like mutant pulled it out the disturbed earth in front of.

Time seemed to pause, as it struck forward opening a mouth to reveal teeth shark like in nature.

'No... please no!' he thought as he death headed to him, blocking his view with his hands.

Except it never hit, the worm creature screamed.

Greytone moved his arms and stared, the monster seemed to be eaten alive by some red liquid.

A few drops on his out stretched finger.

Freaked out he sniffed the drop still on the finger.

"Paint?" he said bewildered.

Another worm pulled out.

Greytone began to quickly learn to call out the red paint.. from where ever it appeared from.

It was paint or die after all.



Glorious sunrise.

Chaos gave a sigh of relief as the last beast was defeated, she slowly walked back towards the caverns

exhausted. She had kept the battle going there while others battled inside.

She didn't want to know what had fused with worms to create those monsters, she'd only seen one that had managed to escape the caverns.

Something relaxed when she saw Grey leaning against a jagged stone pillar his bones looking rather shadowed in exhaustion and bone bruises. Walking over she sat down next to him, she just wanted to sleep a million years.

"Other then the worms, the town seems okay.. Sci's going to build a shield to keep more out," Grey sighed.

"Good, I never want to do that again," Chaos said stretching, wincing as light injuries protested. "By the way... that paint yours?"

"Apparently, don't ask for other colors other then acidic red... because I have no clue how to summon others," Greytone said dryly.

"You'll figure it out Goof," she grinned.

"You know what, I'm going to sleep in my own freaking bed," Greytone said jumping to his feet, Chaos laughed and got up to.

"That sounds good to me," she replied and heading back into the down proper.

Hours later Fresh came across the duo cuddled on top of the bed covers together.

"Niiice," he grinned taking a picture, and being nice he covered them in a bright radical colored blanket.

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