Chapter Five: Multiple

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"There are still micro fractures in your skull, I might have to do surgery to fix them... its whats most likely causing the migraines," Sci said looking over Greytone's skull.

"Do we even have the medical supplies needed for a surgery?" Chaos asked, having come along for moral support.

"Once I set up my lab I should be able to make something, if not... I might have to arrange a run to the city remains," Sci said with a wince, after all no on wanted to go to the remains. The twisted buildings from multiple AU's, fused beings, mutated humans and monsters... oh and the giant zombie dogs.

"Lets try to avoid a run," Chaos shivered, she'd once been at the edge of the city before she found this nameless town.

"Oh... the place the weird dogs are," Greytone said, remembering he'd wondered through there once before Chaos found him. "I think they were trying to eat me."

Sci snorted.

"Greytone, never change," Sci said.

"So he was weirdly not noticing danger even then?" Chaos asked.

"You have no idea," Sci responded.

"Did you know that he someone trained of of the mutants cats to chase a laser light," she grinned.

"Ohh.. tell me more," Sci said grinning wickedly.

Greytone suddenly wondered if it had been a bad idea to introduce the two.


It was dark when they separated, Ink and Chaos leaving as both worked early the next morning.

It was a bit weird to see a god with a bar job.

So far the office was a good temporary place to set up, but he planned to quickly upgrade the building to a much more modern comfortable building with a lot less hygiene issues.

He locked up his new building, taking a deep breath or the gritty air.

Strange, he'd built his hopes so high on seeing Ink, only for it to come crashing down.

"Urk!" he cried as he was suddenly grabbed and held against a building.

"Chaos!" he gasped seeing his attacker.

"Tell me the Dream of your Multiverse is not like mine, I'm rather hoping not as Grey has a soul unlike my Ink," she gritted out, several things clicked int place.

"The Au's that crushed together, weren't just from my multiverse was it.." he said.

"No.." she said with narrowed eyes.

"Oh! No Dream is a friendly fluffy thing shorter then Ink," he said quickly "he's been happily helping Nightmare and Bluescreen raise there kids trying to be the best uncle."

"Nightmare married here, and who's Bluescreen?" she asked relaxing her hold a bit.

"How about we go back into my future lab, I have a feeling my multiverse might be a bit confusing," Sci said.

"Like your Ink has a soul?" Chaos asked.

"That and I have no clue if Ink is a god in your multiverse," Sci said.

"Greys a what?" Chaos said shocked.

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