Chapter Fourteen: By My side

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Added images at the end for outfits

"Amazing!" Sci said.

"Sci..." Greytone sighed.

"The use of your magic and memories returning actually somehow reduced the micro fractures in half, Sci said scanning the god excitedly.

"Sci..." Greytone rather dryly, Sci blinked and came back to himself.

"Sorry Ink, have you managed to pull up any other paint magic yet?" Sci asked curious.

"First, please continue to call me Greytone or Grey. And not yet, as I'd rather be away from the caverns before trying. Some of the paints are dangerous. I used Broomie as a focus since I came into existence, so learning to use paints without them will be.... fun," Greytone said making a face.

Sci looked at him for a moment, then sighed.

"You really like being Grey don't you?" he asked.

"They all look at me and saw me, not the creator, not a god.. not some great defender. I really didn't understand it before, how much I hated it... and since my soul returned... I finally got to know myself without all the duties in the way," Greytone said sounding a bit brittle.

"I'm sorry you feel that way," Sci said, and he meant it.

"Thanks, and its my own fault. I knew the price of sealing our multiverse away to keep The Eaters Out, its just.. awkward to relearn things I once knew," Greytone said with a sad smile.

"Anyway, about your paint. Fire mentioned, she spotted what looked like a huge building fused into a rock side several miles west when she originally found this place. Might be a good location to practice," Sci suggested.

"Probably a good idea, wonder if Chaos would want to come," Greytone said, a light blush dusting his face.

"Go where?"

Greytone beamed as Chaos entered the room.


"This is not a small store... or warehouse," Greytone said dryly.

"No... its a freaking mall entrance," Chaos said shocked, how had no one explored it.

"The doors are blocked, red paint of blasters..." Grey muttered.

"Hey, Sci did mention you used paint and Ink as a medium to portal... why not try to use paint to get in," she suggested, Greytone hummed under his breath.

Greytone walked up to a walled area just before mall met rock and focused.

He hadn't realized how much he'd depended on broomie till it wasn't available, oh he still had the power.. but now he had to learn to focus it different.

'Come on.. I can do this' he thought, paint formed on the wall in front of him.

And formed a door?

"That is not a portal," he said grumpily.

"You can try for portals again later Grey, lets get inside... hopefully nothing is inside of the building," Chaos said with a grin, he grinned and opened the new door to the building.

"After you my lady," he said with a bow.

"Why thank you kind sir," Chaos said, giving a swirling bow as if she was wearing a dress.

Laughing they went inside, the door faded once it closed.


The mall was silent around them, the only sounds there footfalls and the rattle of old pipes. The whole mall was hidden in the earth, and they'd definitely have to find a way to get some of the much needed supplied from here back when they left.

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