Chapter Thirteen: Lucky in love

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Another chapter From the mind of ChaosDancer12

He heard something shuffle right next to him, and he looked over to see Chaos, who had somehow curled herself around a pillow.

She was drooling on it and her hair was all over the place, it had escaped from the plait that had been keeping it from getting in her way, it was clear to see just how long it really was when it wasn't tied up.

Greytone reached over and he brushed a piece of it back, some of it was covered in narrow, blood and dirt, from the fighting, but Grey could clearly see the faded ribbon that helped kept most of it tied back.

How long had they been trapped here, like this? Grey knew that Chaos was keeping the coding of this AU from becoming even more corrupted then it currently was....

It was all his fault...

He watched as she frowned in her sleep, before she opened one eyesocket.

"Grey?" Chaos slowly sat up. "What's wrong? Grey?"

"This is all my fault..." Grey whispered. "These things, they're here because of me..."

"Grey..." Chaos was quick to hug Greytone, wrapping the blanket around them. Grey hugged her back. "How are you so strong? I just told you that this is all my fault, and you just hug me?! How are you not scared of the fact that this is my fault."

"Grey..." Chaos pressed her forehead against his. "I am scared, I won't deny that, and how is this your fault Grey? It's not like that you were the one responsible for those things coming here.."

"This isn't the first time that they have been here! I have meet them before!" Grey almost yelled. "A long time ago, back before my Soul was sealed. They just broke through the firewalls and they came here, they wanted to eat everything and everyone!

I couldn't stop them, so I used my Soul to push them back, out of my Multiverse, and repairing the crack that they came through.

And I don't know how long it was, but they found a way back in, the Seal failed and it's why my Soul was returned to me, which means that they have returned. It was why I was so injured when you found me, because they caught up with me, and the Sans tried to eat me."

"Grey, listen to me, this is not your fault. Did you bring them here on purpose?"


"Then how is it your fault? Grey, nothing lasts forever. Your Seal would have failed eventually or they would have found a way around it, but this time, it's different Grey."

"Why? How?"

"Because you are not alone." Chaos smiled. "Because you have me, and everyone else here, and all of us want to find a way home, even if it means that we have to fight these things, and like I said earlier, I am scared Grey, I'm scared that I'll never be able to go back home, that I will never see my family and my friends again, but I am not scared of you. I'll never be scared of you, because I know that I have two things that those beings don't have.

Hope and love.

I love my friends and my family. I love every moment that I get with them and I have Hope that one day, I will see them again, and we'll get to have those moments again.

And even if I can't find my way home, I have Hope that I can rebuild and make a new life for myself, and I have someone that I love.

You might know him, he's sweet and caring, he loves to draw and he makes me smile.

He can be stupid sometimes, and he gets himself into trouble, a lot, and he has problems with noticing that he is in danger, but I love him for who he is, and not what he is..."

Tears started to fall down Grey's cheeks, before he leaned forwards, pressing his lips against her's. She opened her mouth, letting his tongue explore it, before they pulled apart.

"I love you too Chaos." He said, tangling his hand in her hair. "I love how you can strong, when you just want to break down and scream like everyone else. And you're so loyal, to those that you protect, and those waiting for you to come home.

You're not afraid to be yourself, you can just roll with life and you're just too stubborn to just give up and die, even if it means that you will get hurt..."

"Yep!" Chaos smiled. "Now, come on Grey, smile!"

Greytone smiled at her. "Just promise me, that you won't change who you are..."

"As long as you promise me to not let your doubts consume you."

"Heh, I promise."


Dreamswap Nightmare felt one of his eyesockets twitch, he was right in the middle of setting up a prank for JR.

He could see through the vents that one of Dream's eyesockets was twitching too....

It looked like that even Dream was picking up on it too.

And Ink just happened to be underneath the vent...

Error and Cross wouldn't have a problem with him rigging up the prank so that Ink was hit by it, right?


Dreamswap Ink was sweating from the glare that his Boss was giving him and he swore that a pair of purple eyelights was glaring at him too, from a vent.

Why wasn't his Boss doing anything about that?!


Dream felt his eyesocket twitch again, even as he watched Ink sweat.

He actually was enjoying the expression on Ink's face.... Now, he really was hoping that his brother was in that vent...

Code of the SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora