Chapter Four: Getting to know you

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"What..." Sci cried.

Those were the words no one expected of the creator.

It was definitely his multiverses Ink, he recognized the feel of the others magic.

Yet.. this scene was disturbing, the darker clothing... the lack of broomie.

Ink didn't know he was Ink.

"I'm Sci Sans," he finally said his soul racing.

"The locals gave me the name Greytone..." Ink.. no Greytone said.

"Interesting name, your original name is Ink by the way," Sci said.

"Ink huh... how did you find me anyway?" Greytone asked curious.

"A female Blues with hair helped me," Sci replied.

"That's Chaos, shes awesome isn't she. She doesn't like fighting, but shes an awesome sentry," Greytone beamed.

Sci stared in surprise at the large smile, he knew Ink soul had been unsealed but he'd never seen the other smile like that... and was that a blush.

'This is adorable, he has a crush' Sci thought as internally he laughed maniacally.

"You said your name is Sci, does that mean your the new doctor?" Greytone asked hopefully.

"Yeah... I'm hoping to build a good enough lab to break out of this place," Sci admitted.

"That's great, I know a whole bunch of people want to get home," Greytone said happily.

"Wait.. they mentioned a skeleton they found awhile ago with insane migraines they wanted me ot check, is that you?" Sci asked, after all he hadn't seen many skeletons in town.

"Yup, they're really worried because I had a lot of damage to my skull when they found me," Greytone said with a wince, Sci blinked in shock... as he knew it took a lot to hurt Ink.

"Why.. don't you tell me about these migraines and yourself," Sci said sitting down next to the amnesic god.


Chaos felt a sense of relief when she saw Greytone walk back into town talking with the skeleton she;d spoke with earlier.

She'd been a bit worried and about to patrol near the cave.

"Chaos," Greytone said happily, she found herself smiling.

"Welcome back," she said.

"Thanks," he beamed, so different from the Ink of her multiverse... so alive.

"This is Sci, he apparently knew me from before. He said my name was Ink," he chirped.

"Nice to meet you, I think I heard you were moving here?" she asked, her soul seemed to clench not liking the fact that Greytones name was also Ink.

"Glad to meet the person looking after..In.. er Greytone," Sci replied "How did you two meet?"

"I found him collapsed while on patrol, have no clue why he wasn't dust with how hurt he was," Chaos said quietly.

"But I got better," Greytone said softly "Mostly."

"I don't think amnesia counts as better" Chaos grinned.

The two argued while Sci watched, both had small blushes on there faces.

'Well, at least I have entertainment' he thought amused.

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