Chapter Twelve: Sealed

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"All coded," the being said, spinning his paintbrush a bit at the final detail in place.

The Au was beautiful, the humans friendly and he couldn't wait to see the monsters of the undergrounds reaction when they got up.

After all, jewel trees were wonderful.

"Wonderful as always Ink," Fate said, Ink smiled knowing that even if Fate wasn't there she would see it.

"Thanks mom," Ink grinned.

Still smiling he took a shortcut through the doodlesphere, then took a right to work on another AU.

This one he was planning to call Outertale, but it was taking a lot of work to get the stars just right.

Suddenly he paused, a frown gracing his usual happy face.

"Be careful, its not of our multiverse," Fate said as they both detected something edging into the multiverse.

'The Firewalls didn't stop it all' he thought worriedly.

Ink took one last look at his creations and sped off, he had to stop the intrusion before the damaged the codes.

"What the heck...." Ink cried, spotting the gauge in the walls of the multiverse.

It was like someone ate it.

"Fooooodddddd..." a voice rasped out, Ink took a step back as an insane starving looking Undyne crawled the gauge.

"Get back!" Ink warned

"Food, walking my way," a voice drawled, and out walked out a huge Sans with a freaking axe and a giant broken skull.

"This is not your multiverse, leave," Ink demanded.

"Now... we have a problem, I have a whole multiverse to feed after all. So many Multiversus to eat, so many that left me craving for more," the insane axe Sans laughed.

"Your not welcome here," Ink scowled.

"Too bad, see... Inky's are the best treat of all!" Axe Sans rasped out a laugh, then gave a bone rattling howl.

The reason why was revealed moments later, as monstrous hungered beings began there invasion.


Greytone woke gasping, sitting up briefly he scanned the room for danger.

Slowly he lay back down, glad he hadn't woken Chaos.

Was that Memories? Or just wishful thinking with nightmares.

Slowly he fell back to sleep.


Wind... She could feel it whipping pass her, right before she landed on something with a loud crack....

She scrambled, trying to stop her slow slide, but everything hurt, it hurt so much. She couldn't move...

Nightmare! Anyone! Dream! Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!

She couldn't stop it, and she kept on sliding, before she fell, crashing into something else with another loud crack that stole the air from her lungs.

No! No! Nononononono!

She was sliding again, and loud cracks followed her down.

Make it stop! Somebody! Anyone! Make it stop! It hurts! I don't wanna die!

One final crack and she slammed into something even harder.

I can't breathe! Help! Anyone! I can't breathe! I can't die here! Please! Someone, anybody, save me!


Chaos woke up, gasping for air, even as her eyelights turned a Determined Red. She quickly sat up, looking at her hands, only to see bones instead of flesh...

Oh, that's right, she was a Skeleton now...

She looked over to Grey, only to see him asleep... Oh, right, they had gone to sleep after defending the town....

She hated it when she had nightmares of her first death....

She carefully laid back down, underneath the blanket. She knew that she would be paranoid tomorrow, that always happened after a nightmare of her first death.

She slowly fell back into sleep.


It was never ending.

No matter how many he dusted they kept coming.

He wasn't strong enough.

'I need to seal them from this multiverse' he thought unhappily, and knew he couldn't do anything for those other multiversus they would take after.

"No Ink! My Child!!! doing so will have too many costs!" Fate begged.

"What choice do I have, I am this multiverses God.. and its my duty!" Ink said between gritted teeth.

In a moment between attacks he summoned his own soul, its shining rainbow filling the area with light.

"Ohhh, your bringing out a wonderful snack for us Eaters," Axe Sans laughed, Ink had barely been able to keep up with the over leveled monster.

"Sorry, but your uninvited," Ink laughed.

Screams filled the air and seemed to burn.

"You may have stopped us for Now! But I'll Remember you. We Eaters will be back," Screamed the axe Sans, as the Eaters were pushed out of the multiverse and the walls repaired.

Ink collapsed like an empty puppet, memories broken and soul missing.

Fate wailed.

Ink would wake wake without memories, and a memory retention of a goldfish.

Never Knowing his soul was sealed protecting there multiverse from the Eaters.


Ink.. no Greytone woke.

His memories seemed scrambled.

Yet.. for the first time he felt whole.

Damaged.. but whole.

"The Eaters..." he breathed fearfully, clearly the seal has failed and that's why his soul returned.. Dream had nothing to do with it as they had thought.

And Greytone wished he still didn't remember.

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