Chapter Seventeen: In The Dark

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Chaos cradled her broken arm close to her body as she scrambled backwards, until her back hit the cage. She shivered, wrapping her good arm around herself, and gently lighting up her eyelights.

This was bringing back so many memories and not a lot of them were good. After all, you would develop a small fear of being trapped in the darkness, alone, if your so called brother kept on locking you in a dark closet, when you did something that he didn't like when you was a kid.

She was jealous of the Blues that had a nice Stretch, because he cared for them and her's did not care for her.

She buried her lower face in her scarf to hide her whimpers.

"Grey... Help me... Please..."

She had to hold on, and she could not let her memories influence her actions in her current situation, especially if those eyes belonged to them...

She shook as she curled up into a ball, trying hard to not let her mind dwell on her current situation, but it was difficult, she could hear them growling and moaning as they moved around.

But it got worse when some of them started to fight each other, tearing into each other with tooth and claw. Chaos screamed when one of them was thrown against the walls of her cage, letting her see it's wounds clearly, before it turned to Dust.

And her panic started to take over her mind....

She almost choked on the sobs trapped in her mouth, she didn't understand why she was here, she just wanted to go back to their room, to be there when Grey woke up from his surgery...

She wanted Grey, she wanted her lover.

"G-Grey..." She couldn't help the tears that were now rolling down her face, her mind was slowly awakening old memories that she wanted to stay buried, and the pain in her arm that would not go away.... "Where are you?"


Someone was shaking him.

Greytone came into groggy awareness, to see that Candy was shaking him.

"Wake up idiot!" Candy snarled.

"What's going on?" He asked, or rather slurred, as the paint was still in his system, and by squinting at the room's clock, he saw he had three hours until it would wear off.

"Your girlfriend just got kidnapped." Candy said releasing him, Greytone found himself tumbling to the floor as he was still too paint drugged to move around much.

He blinked.

"WHHHHHHHAT?!" He screamed, his magic clearing the paint out. Candy winced because of the shout, and then, he glared.

"She.. got... Kidnapped." Candy ground out from in between his teeth.

"How?!" Greytone said, bewildered, Chaos was one of the best fighters that he knew.

She was smart, cunning... and knew how to talk knuckleheads down, instead of fighting them.

"A giant hand ripped through the dirt and pulled her under." Candy said, rolling his eyelights.

"Damn it..." He hissed angrily.


"Hello little Canary..." A voice chuckled.

Chaos looked up, and she froze.

A giant, rusty blood red light shone in the darkness.

No... It wasn't a light.

It was an eyelight that was the size of her head.

"Will you sing for the artist when he comes?" The voice cackled, and within the darkness, others laughed too.


"Grey! What are you doing? You should be resting!" Sci cried as Greytone dressed himself.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have time to chatter." Greytone said, looking over at Sci, and Sci blinked when he saw the red eyelights. He hadn't seen Grey like this since the past fierce battles with Error.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"The Eaters kidnapped Chaos," Greytone said unhappily.

"What!" Sci cried out. "Where are you going then?"

"The City, the only place that he and his followers can be." Greytone said, and he vanished into a paint portal before Sci could react.

"Don't die..." Sci whispered to the empty room.

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