Chapter Eight: A One Sided Sleepy Confession....

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And ChaosDancer12 giggling had this chapter waiting on discord for me when I logged in one day, grins.. good thing I said she could have fun

Chaos frowned after the new Skeleton had poofed away....

"Chaos?" Greytone asked. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like it when things change Grey..." Chaos muttered. "Everything has just started to settle down a bit and two Skeletons just pop up and they claim to know you, before you came here. It's like you got a little bit of your home, and your life before this, back.... I miss my home, I miss my Nightmare, Error and Cross... I even miss my Dream and his group, despite him being a prick with wings... I miss them so much Grey...."

"I know.... I may not have my memories, but I miss those that I must have left behind." Greytone wiped away a small tear that was falling down Chaos's cheek. "Come on, we have work tomorrow, right? And I know from experience that none of us will get some sleep when we are like this...." He started to blush. "Let's just share my bed and try to get some sleep...."

Chaos was blushing too, she was in her nightclothes and she had just been about to go to bed herself when she had heard the commotion in Greytone's room. "O-Okay.... Let's get some sleep..."

Greytone crawled into the left side of the bed, while Chaos crawled into the right side of the bed and they were sharing the bed covers.

This wasn't the first time that they had slept like this, Grey had experienced a lot of nightmares during his first few weeks here, while he healed from his wounds, and he often sleepwalked into the nearest occupied bed that he could find.

And somehow, that bed had been Chaos's bed.

Chaos stared at the bedroom wall, she could hear the sounds of Greytone's snores and the faint, dying down noises of the town as nearly everyone turned in for the night....

She just couldn't sleep.

She heard Grey shuffling behind her, before something was flung over her hips, she lifted the blanket up to see what it was, before she blushed, because Grey had flung one of his arms over her hips.

She felt herself being dragged closer to Grey, until Grey was spooning her. He was spooning her! In his sleep!

Her blush grew brighter when Grey started to nuzzle her hair....

She had to place her hand over her mouth to muffle her voice...

This was actually quite nice, she felt safe, being spooned by Grey like this. He was nothing like the Ink that she knew....

He was sweet, caring and while he had problems with noticing when he was in trouble, it was one of those things that made Grey who he was.

She removed her hand from her mouth before she looked at Grey's hand again. It was empty....

She carefully moved her hand so that it was holding Grey's. It feel right to her, like they had been going this for years, and she smiled, before she yawned.

She was so tired.

She felt herself slowly falling into sleep. "Love you Grey.."

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