- Ilianna's Obsession -

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"Stefan just listen to me. The best way to solve our little problem is  good old fashion torture. It will be sure to get the emotions ticking" Damon said to his brother as he followed him through the hall of the Salvatore boarding house, trailing behind to get his point across while Stefan looked determined to ignore his brother and run away. "Look we find Annie and Elena and we stir up some rich finger licking good emotions"

"Damon will you give it a rest. You are partially the reason for this mess, just leave it alone" Stefan let out exhaling deeply.

"Oh yeah because that's such a great idea, let two humanity less vampires roam the streets of Mystic Falls, if they don't rip the throats out of the regular Jane and John Doe they will start WW3 between each other. We have to do something Stefan, hell I thought you would jump at the chance to smooth out your hero hair"

"Leave it Damon!" Stefan snapped. "With the amount of hell you have put Annie through it's a hell of a surprise you care enough to save her from herself." Stefan huffed, getting up close too Damon and snarling. "You don't understand how to bring her back, what she needs, what she wants. You are in awe with the idea of Annie and use her for your own gain. I want to bring Annie and Elena back more than anything but I am not going to kid myself and ignore the fact that part of the reason Annie felt there was no other option is because of our manipulation, our selfishness, our misguided loyalties that broke her in ways 1,000 years of loneliness hadn't broken her"

"Okay so it is our fault. Everything is our fault, every body that drops - their blood is on our hands. Is that what you want me to say! Everyone is telling me how I screwed this up two fold, and I get it ! I screwed up big time, I am just trying to make it right" Damon screamed grabbing on to Stefan's collar and pushing him against the wall. "I'm just trying to make it right brother" Damon let out softly his voice cracking slightly before he composed himself and aggressively let his brother go before storming off. "We need a plan Stefan, together or not we need to help those girls."

"Then we get them back, but do me a favour brother. Once we have Annie back, you leave her the hell alone. She is better without you" Stefan shouted a look of disgust on his face and he straightened his collar with a huff as he watched his older brother storm off.

Flashback 1947

Anna sat laying upside on her chocolate velvet sofa. Her legs hanging over the back whilst her head dropped down to the floor. She lied their emotionlessly trying to remember what brought her to these moments.

She knew why she know longer had that big wide smile on her face or the glow that was prevalent the last few months. She was now alone. After three amazing years together Damon and Anna had broken it off, not delicately either. Fighting, screaming matches, throwing nearby objects. Why they had broken up, Anna may never know- one minute they were a happy couple, the next Damon is bitter and cold causing a very hot headed Mikaelson to alight.

Annie could hear the faint knocking of her penthouse door. She rolled her eyes and muttered inaudibly what was bound to be curse words as she uncurled herself and 'slothed' her way to the door. Once she opened it her best friend walked in hot on his toes. "Marcel I'm not in the mood, take Quarter business to someone who gives a sh-"

"Annie stop being so freaking guarded all the time" Marcel interrupted pulling his fired into a bone crushing hug. "Thierry, the newly turned vamp told me"

"I knew you had your bloody minions staked outside my house. Marcel I'm fine so please just leave"

"Nope." Marcel replied bluntly dragging a chair from the table and pulling his friend to sit down. "Talk. Now and then I can go order Damon Salvatore's execution"

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