- Burn to Ash -

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It had been a few days after Anna and Stefan reconciled and Stefan had been constantly texting Anna about his blood habits, it was the only way he was keeping his mind off killing the entire population of Mystic Falls. Anna had also been getting all the gossip from Stefan like how the history teacher was actually the founder's killer because he was wearing a ring which made him go insane. She also found out Elena was still treading carefully around him after watching him feed off the girl Damon had precurried Stefan.

Today was a different day though, Anna was spending the day at the Mystic Grill on a date with her best friend, through the chaos of trying to kill her uncle Anna and Valentina had spent little time together. You see today was when Anna was meaning to tell Valentina why she wanted Klaus dead, she knew she could trust Valentina with her life and Valentina had been there for her through the sleepless nights of having nightmares of the unknown man who killed her mother. And that's exactly what she did she told Valentina why Klaus needed to die, and just like she expected the witch was loyal and supportive and promised to make Klaus pay painfully for what he did to Anna and her mother.

In addition Anna was feeling she was one step closer to her plan when she heard that everyone was going to see the bridge being torn down and rebuilt, the bridge being the famous one that Elena had not once but twice meant to die on.

Anna and Valentina made their way to the bridge where there were builders and humans rushing around trying to build what was left of the new bridge. Anna excused herself from her friend when she saw her aunt talking to the mayor.

"So why are you so friendly friendly with Mrs Lockwood" Anna said once the mayor left to go speak to Alaric and Damon who had just arrived

"She can tell us where white oak is being held so we can burn it and our problems will turn to ash" Rebekah said dramatically making an explosion with her hands.

"That's ever so optimistic, especially with the mystic falls gang wanting us dead" Anna replied. Anna then listerning using vampire hearing to Alaric and the mayors coversation, it was something about a restored wickery bridge, it may sound unimportant now but vampire hearings was a blessing when you were secretly conspiring against your uncle.

"Look what the cat dragged in" Rebekah said pulling Anna by the arm to where Damon and some red head were talking. Anna was snapped out of listerning to conversations to be met with Damon and the women glaring at Rebekah

"Easy there Rebekah you know she used to beat men for sport" Damon said pointing at Sage, Anna was impressed

"Sounds like my type of girl" Anna said smiling at Sage, Damon chuckled to himself remembering the times in the 40s when Anna brutally and ruthlessly ran New Orleans.

"She always was quite common" Rebekah said slyly

"Rebekah what a happy surprise" Sage replied her voice monotone but the smile made it seem she was laughing internally

"What are you doing here Sage?" Rebekah snarled

"I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageholic brother Klaus crated him around in" Sage replied smiling as innocently as she could

"I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageholic brother Klaus crated him around in" Sage replied smiling as innocently as she could

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