- Save Annie -

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Anna opened her heavy eyes to the sunlight beaming down blocking her vision

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Anna opened her heavy eyes to the sunlight beaming down blocking her vision. She could hear familiar voices in her head, whispering to each other. It was making her want to scream, to block the noise but she couldn't manage to get the sound out. Anna could feel the sweat dripping off her face as another vision appeared this time a quick snippet of Anna's time in the 1950s, the poodle skirts swaying and the jukebox booming music out. 

"Anna?" A voice said looking into the originals  glazed over eyes. "Anna? can you hear me" The voice repeated brushing  a stray piece of hair behind the originals face and wiping the sweat away with a cloth.

"You must be Caroline" Anna acknowledged when she saw the blonde vampire caring for her.

"How did you know?" The vampire asked lifting Anna's head so she sat up straight, still tied to  the chair

"Well what other blonde vampire would not let Damon stop her from playing Florence Nightingale" Anna replied smiling at the vampire who was caring for. Caroline smiled sweetly at the original as if Anna's whole family weren't causing havoc in her town as they spoke. "So what torture device did the bastard inject me with now?"

"Err werewolf venom" Caroline replied slowly wary of the originals response. Caroline stood up and grabbed a blood bag that instantly made the veins under Anna's  eyes pop out. 

"So why are you being nice to me" Anna asked staring at the blood bag her mouth watering

"I know your Stefan's friend and after this is all over Stefan will hate himself for what he let happen to you. So I thought if I helped, he wouldn't be so guilty" 

"Wow you'd have to be blind to not notice whats going on here" Anna mumbled noticing how much Stefan and the Forbes cared for each other.

"What is happening to you?" Caroline replied ignoring the comment made by the original and curiously asked handing the blood bag to Anna's mouth so the original could gain strength.

"Lets just say my minds playing tricks on me. Voices and visions from my past coming back to bit me in the ass so I can't tell the difference between the present and the past" Anna replied now back to her usual voice because of the supernatural healing enacted by the sip of blood.

"Interesting" Caroline trailed off about to turn away and walk out of the cellar.

"You can have a look in my head if you want. Its fine I've had a lot of other people in my head over the past days"Anna offered noticing the vampires interest in what a werewolf bite could do to an original.

"What will I see?"

"Lets just say at the moment you look a lot more masculine and Salvatore like than you're supposed to and we are not in a cellar" Anna replied vaguely smirking as she took the original vampire into her head and Caroline saw two people cuddled together by the riverside.

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