- Ding Dong the bitch is back -

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Mystic Falls 1001

Zayla hurried off to the hovel where her love lived. She knew she had to tell him of what she had just found out, that she was carrying his child, despite how she truly felt. She just wanted it to all go away, she was bound to be disgraced along with Kol and she had no idea what to do then.

When she arrived outside the hut the door was open agar and Zayla peaked inside, she moved the heavy door ever so slightly to get a better look.

"I've told you before: what you are asking goes against forces much greater than us, the ancestors will not condone it" Ayana said to Ester and Mikael, Kols parents who were wealthy respectful elders in the village.  

"There must be away, we have lost to much" Ester replied frowning at the mention of Henrik, her youngest child who had just been killed, sadly. Michael put his hands on his wife's shoulder lovingly and continued pressuring the witch.

"Ayana I beg of you. The spell will make my family stronger, powerful,  our people will now longer have to hide in the caves once a month at the bid of the beasts" Mikael replied in disgust at the werewolves who mauled his son apart.

"Your children will become beasts" Ayana said defiantly. "I'll will not help carryout this abomination nature" Ayana said excusing herself out the door. At the mention of Kol possibly becoming a beast, an abomination, Zayla let out a sob loud enough for the three elders to hear. The three looked around to find the noise but Zayla hid behind the door, praying they wouldn't find her.


Time had passed and it was no all silent in the hut apart from Esters quiet chanting. Zayla  knew what Ester was doing, she was turning her children in beasts. Zayla although human could translate some of the witch language: sun, white oak, blood. Kol had explain some of his own spells when with Zayla as he was the only one of his siblings to tap into his magic. Zayla accidentally knocked something causing a lond crash that the Mikaelson witch was bound to hear.

"Who's there" Ester called out, Zayla came out from the shadows and appeared to the witch. "Zayla what is the meaning of this?"

"I must speak to Kol" Zayla said stammering at each word. Without realising she placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed softly

"You're with child" Ester did confirming her her own suspicions.

"I need to speak to Kol" the young girl repeated.

"I can help you dear. But you mustn't trouble Kol, we can get rid of the problem" Ester said wrapping Zayla into a hug, which Zayla pulled out of at the proposition of killing her child

"I shall not 'deal' with it" Zayla hissed raising her voice at Ester. "Kol will help me with or without your support"

"Kol cannot know child, there will be changes around here that you will not wish your child to be born into"

"Just because you have decide to curse you children for all eternity doesn't mean Kol will be undesirable father" Zayla persisted. Ester looked taken back before slowly reaching for a herb that was on the table. Zayla did not noice what the elder witch was doing before Ester had put her hand to Zayla's mouth making Zayla slowly become unconscious.


Zayla adjusted her eyes to the light and remember what had happened before she passed out. Ester was no longer in sight so Zayla decided to make a run for it, she ran out of the hut only to bump into a figure.

"Where are you going child" Ester said eyeing the young pregnant girl. Zayla back away from the witch but she knew this was no use, she picked up a wooden object and had ushered Ester back. The witch and the pregnant girl fought for a few seconds before Zayla had the opportunity to run. She hit Ester around the head with the wood making sure not to hit to hard that the injury would be fatal. Then she ran away to the only place she could go, Ayana's.

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