- busy schedule -

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The heart of London was bustling. It had been four blissful weeks for Anna finally at peace with her self. Her mind was finally quiet, not two sides of emotions fighting against one another. She had brunched, wined, shopped and danced but Elliot and Valentina were growing increasingly frustrated at her presence sofer surfer for the last month. 

Anna was waltzing around London, enjoying people watching the officers workers with their coffee cups and laptops tucked under their shoulders. Dog walkers weaving through the busy streets and university studies giggling and chatting up from last nights night at the pub. It was the instinct feeling in her pocket, the feeling of something that wasn't their before that made the original roll her eyes and reach into her pocket revealing a crisp folding white note

Meet at the Ritz

"Guess I'm dining for lunch today" Anna spoke scrunching up the paper and throwing it in a neighbouring rubbish bin before walking off to meet her company for lunch. 

Anna was dressed in a bright red figure hugging dress her highlighted hair flowing in the wind behind her as she turned into St James street and smiled at a blonde figure who lingered at the doorway. "Aunt Freya" Anna spoke lovingly her face breaking into a smile as she brought her aunt into a hug. "Astral projection across the seas, I'm impressed" Anna smirked causing her aunt to purse her lips into a forced smile. 

"No magic here Annie, felt this news deserved to be given in person" Freya spoke ominously her fingers smoothing Anna's hair with love

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"No magic here Annie, felt this news deserved to be given in person" Freya spoke ominously her fingers smoothing Anna's hair with love. "Come now, I've reserved us a table' Freya continued, changing the topic and grabbing her niece by the hand. 


"The wine m'am" The waiter greeted, pouring the red wine into Freya's glass first and Anna's second. Anna watched her aunt on edge, watching as the blonde witched took a notably large sip before clearing her throat indicating for the waiter to top it up once again. 

Once the waiter had gone and the growing silence had filled the air, Anna harshly placed her glass back on the table with little patience. "Out with it Aunt Freya, as much as I am grateful for the visit, it has been three months and no word from the family. I knew me leaving would tarnish their egos but I think they would have at least matured enough to phone once in a while" Anna spoke wide eyed. 

"We've been a bit preoccupied" Freya continued, trying to dodge the question

"Does this busy schedule have to do with the Strix breaking Klaus's sire line and a queue of blood thirsty vampires knocking on the door of the Abattoir?" Anna spoke knowingly, continuing when she realised her aunts confusion. "Lucas is a friend and an ally - I wasn't going to leave with no one to keep tabs on my family" 

"I-I suppose yeah thats the news.." Freya spoke gobsmacked that the young original knew. "Klaus has gone off with Hayley and Hope, they are protected of course, but it has left us with the remaining Strix issue and there is rumours about white oak being in the hands of our enemies." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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