- I remember her a better poet -

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Marcel and Anna were back in the compound watching a still drunk Klaus nurse glasses of wine in his study. Marcel was getting weaker by the second holding on and leaning on Annie for dear life, but Klaus seemed unbothered.

"I bet they were all so impressed, weren't they? Hmm, your new mates? Positively taken by your boldness, your cunning wit, and your steely resolve. And you just assumed that I would be willing-- eager, even-- to drain the blood from my veins in the aftermath." Klaus lectured annoyed glaring at his niece and foster son. Anna was looking up to heaven hoping this conversation would end soon. "We cannot tell friend from foe, and what are you doing? You're pledging a fraternity run by those conspiring against us!" Klaus spoke his face getting very close to a close to death Marcel.

"My interest in The Strix is because of you." Marcel sighed out. "I don't get to choose sides. Whoever comes for you, comes for me. That's all I need to know." 

"Klaus you can lecture us later we had a plan and it worked, now just tap a goddam vein and stop sulking. You should be thanking Marcel he is the ones with the brains to get into the Strix's good books, he is someone we can use to help us against enemies it doesn't make him one!" Anna defended 

"Unless he's doing it for his own self-preservation" Klaus glared holding up a meaning finger pointing at the vampire. 

"Of course he's doing it for self-preservation he would be stupid not to! So would you, so would I!" Anna ranted. Before Klaus can respond, a tired-looking Freya walks into the room informing them that Freya little hostage of the night, Lucian's seer - Alexis was awake. 

"Whoever comes for me may very well come for you" Klaus finished, before biting into his hand and draining his blood into the wine glass "But, they may also come through you, Marcellus

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"Whoever comes for me may very well come for you" Klaus finished, before biting into his hand and draining his blood into the wine glass "But, they may also come through you, Marcellus." As Marcel was about to take it Klaus jerked it out of his reach, still not finished with his lecture. "Remember that."

Now meeting the rest of the Mikaelson's, Lucian - who Annie had yet to meet was sat next to the seer while everyone else stood around them.

"Way to go aunt Freya someones has a good right hook" Anna commented looking at the bruise forming on Alexis' eye. She was quickly silenced by Elijah not so gently reaching her shoulder and squeezing in warning.

"I hoped I was wrong, Lucien. I really did. But I saw it. I saw him die." Alexis started sobbing to Lucian.

"Did you see the weapon?" Lucian pressed watching the reaction of his sirer, Klaus who was sighing in displeasure.

"To understand, it must be seen." Alexis held out her wrist to Hayley, and Elijah took Lucians place grabbing on to her other wrist. The hybrid and vampire look at each other warily before biting into the offered wrist. Anna looked at the seer with a weak smile waiting for a response which was to tilt her neck slightly offering her neck for Anna to feed from. Anna soon dived her fangs into Alexis neck feeding.

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