- The Murder Of One -

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Damon and Anna were having there usual passive aggressive conversation when Anna sensed little miss doppleganger walk up the stairs. Damon sped over to the door putting his finger to his lips, to tell everyone to shush before opening the door. By the time Damon had convinced Elena to leave, well convinced is more like shut the door in her face, Anna locked the door behind him so they wouldn't be disturbed again.

"Walking down the stairs, opening front door, and.... she's gone" Damon said walking over to Alaric and Stefan followed by Anna.  Alaric then began to cut up the bridge sign so all the gang would have a stake to kill originals with. They all began to put their whittling skills to use as they cut the stakes into a sharp edge. 

"Needs to have a sharper point" Stefan instructed as he watched Damon fail at whittling. "

'Finally have our own stakes to kill Klaus, I'm not going to miss because you can't whittle" Anna said smiling at Damon giggling to herself. 

"I said I got it stop micro managing before I plunge the stake into your heart" Damon seemed growing close to Anna's lips and acting as if he drove the stake into her chest dramatically. 

"Looks like you've got this under control, I'm going to call the sheriff, I want to turn myself in" Alaric said putting his jacket on and watching all three vampires turn around to him in confusion. Damon muttered that Alaric shouldn't do that but that failed as Alaric's only response was "I have a homicidal alter ego, unlike some people in this room I would like to take responsibility for the people I've killed"

"Who was that directed to darling because I'm also a homocidal maniac, I've probably killed more than smoulder over here" Anna piped in pointing to Damon as she gave an innocent sweet smile. 

"You wish Annie, I'm the only homicidal vampire here." Damon said. "Alaric if you wanted to turn yourself in you wouldn't be saying it out loud just saying" 

Damon and Alaric then began to argue about Damon psychoanalysing him and Alaric listening all the people he killed or attempted to kill. 

"Look even Stefan's morals get questionable when he has revenge on the brain. Klaus needs to die we all agree and we have a chance to kill him. And unlike the many failed attempts you lot have done you now have me, meaning you will not fail, and you will be standing over Klaus grey veiny body victorious"

"So you are not turning yourself in" Stefan finished putting his arm around Anna in a side hug, the two vampires looked at each other smugly before Damon interrupted them 

"Well when Stefan and Annie get together to kill someone you know its serious" Damon said turning to Ric to give him his ring back. 'Ready Ric, you're going vampire hunting!"


"So Valentina thought you would have left little miss mikaelson after all the times of her just using you for your magic"  Damon said to the witch that had tagged along with the mystic Falls gang. Stefan had messaged all his supernatural friends to meet in the woods so now Damon, Stefan, Valentina and Anna marched through the forest to meet them.

"Damon Salvatore, I thought you would have gotten over being in love with your brothers girl" Valentina replied smiling at Anna who let out a stifled laugh. 

"Where's Bonnie? texted her too" Stefan said when he saw Elena, Caroline and Matt huddled in a circle. 

"Uhh Bonnies mum bailed on her again" Caroline said 

"Ahh pity could have done with witchy whoo" Anna said looking down at the bag of stakes Damon forced her to carry despite her persistent saying no

"Annie? What you doing here?" Caroline replied, Anna smiled to herself when she saw the disgusted looks Elena and the human Matt where giving her. 

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