- 1821 -

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New Orleans 1821

"New Orleans" Valentina confirmed with her traveling companion , Anna.

"Yes New Orleans, the Mikaelson family resided here over a century ago." Anna confirmed. This was the closest she had ever been to her family and although the idea of meeting her family daunted her, she knew know was the right time.

"After all this time your finally going to meet your father" Valentina said smiling as she placed her hand in her best friends. Both girls sat smiling as they were sitting in the back of the horse and carriage on there way into the centre of New Orleans.

"Okay no where do we find them" Valentina said as both she and lily got out of the carriage their 1800s attire restricting the movement they could do.

"Try the locator spell again" Anna said offering up her palm for Valentina to use in the blood spell.

"He dropped of the map over 200 year ago, why do you think now"

"I just have a feeling" Anna insisted, Valentina accepted this and used magic to create a cut down the vampire's palm. Anna dropped a droplet of blood on the map and Valentina chanted causing the blood to move in the direction of Kol Mikaelson. It continued until stopped abruptly at the site of a place called the Abbiator

"I should do this alone" Anna said as she took the map from her friend and walked in the direction of her family.


Anna slowly walked up to the door of the Abattoir, the huge symbol of the Mikaelson crest taking over the space on the door. Anna was about to knock but the door creaked open before she had a chance. The door opened to reveal a man in about his early twenties, he had longer messy hair and his face was covered in blood, a sick smirk appearing on hi face when he caught a glimpse of Anna.

Anna adjusted her hood of her cloak so that her face was seen and in her soft gentle voice spoke to the man a little wary of his current predicament."Pardon me sir, I'm looking for a man his name is Kol Mikaelson"

The man looked taken back fro a split second but that soon disappeared and he lifted his hand out for the girl to take

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The man looked taken back fro a split second but that soon disappeared and he lifted his hand out for the girl to take.

"That is I love" He said as he gave a soft kiss to Anna's hand. Anna shook her hand away from Kol quickly before contemplating turning around and not coming back, but this was short lived as Kol gave her his arm to take and walked her into the compound.

Kol excused himself for a minute but Anna knew this would not end well so decided to sneak off without the original vampire knowing. As she rushed to the door another vampire stood infront of her. This man resembled Kol so Anna knew this was another one of her family members. He wore a suit and his eyes looked welcoming and soft.

"Pardon me, I really should be off" Anna answered stammering and not looking the other original in the eye.

"Come with me" The man said gesturing for the young girl to take. She was running out of options, Kol would be back and she wasn't ready to reveal who she is to her father when all he wants to do is go on a murderous rampage. Anna followed the man until the came across a huge white building, a mansion of someplace. It was secluded and peacefully with not a sound in sight. "You were looking for my brother? Who are you" The original asked.

"Yes that is correct, my name is Ilianna, but please call me Anna" Lily said still not looking the man in the eyes.

"And what business would you have with my brother" Elijah questioned once again getting irritated by the second. Anna looked away so she would not meet his eyes which only caused Elijah to huff in response.

"I see its going to take more for you to open up. I'm Elijah" The man said holding out his hand for Anna to shake

"I'm sorry, I just cannot tell you. Not yet anyway" Anna said now looking at the original full of sympathy. Elijah knew he had to find out what the girl wanted, she could be a spy from Mikael! So he softly put his hand on her chin and lifted up so they were both eye to eye

"You will tell me" Elijah demanded compelling the young girl

"That will not work on me Elijah" Anna said pushing his hand away, the original looked gobsmacked. "Can I trust you?"

"You have my word" Elijah replied nodding his head.

"Kol is my father, I was conceived will he was still mortal, I have been searching for him since I was sixteen and left home" Anna explained, the original still lost for words. "I am an original, turned by a powerful witch who was forced to create a second immortality spell that turned me into an original vampire by your father, Mikael"


Elijah and Anna talk about her past and how she has spent 800years looking for a family. This led to many waterworks and hugs from Elijah.

"You should go now Ilianna, with your friend and leave New Orleans it's not safe" Elijah said his hands cupping Anna's face

"What ... no I need to see my father"

"You will in good time my sweet niece, but it is not safe for you to be around him at the moment" Elijah replied and gave Anna a small kiss on the cheek and sent her on her way. It would be just under a century until Kol would be undaggered and the another century after that until he meets his daughter.

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