- I lov....

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"Annie you sure you want to do this" Stefan muttered as both him and Anna walked hastily out of the grill no doubt followed by an angry original and very old vampire.

"Positive, killing him kills Klaus' Anna said hesiatently, despite the last few weeks thinking of nothing but Klaus's murder, now with it in her grasp she can't help but feel a little doubtful.

'And Valentinas freed you and Kol from the link?" Stefan said making sure their plan would not end with his best friend dead as well. 

'She's completing it as we speak" 


Valentina was in a dim lit room with candles at each corner of a circular table. She had placed a crinkled piece of paper in the middle of the candles which contained the names of Kol, Rebekah and Ilianna written in viking runes. Elliot who was protectively standing at the witches side past  her a small vile of crimson liquid, Ilianna's blood. Valentina poured the vile of blood to the centre of the paper and began to mutter a de-linking spell. The blood began to move away from the centre to each of the three names and then circle around the corresponding viking rune, before retuning to the centre. As soon as the blood stopped moving, Valentina stopped her chanting, and unlit the candles using her magic.

"Thats it, how can we be sure it worked" Elliot said looking at Valentina deeply, thinking of his friend who was putting her own life at risk for a revenge plot.

"I never mess up!" Valentina said confidently.


Klaus stood glaring at the Bennet witch, who he had procured to unlink himself and his siblings. He had just come off the phone to Anna, who he sensed a suspiciousness about but he dusted that off so he could focus on one thing. Klaus placed a vile of Iliianna's blood, which had been delivered by a compelled resident, into a box of his siblings blood. He gave this over to the Bennet witch before biting into his own wrist and filling his own vile of hybrid blood.

Bonnie began chanting, watching the blood of all the originals move from the centre outwards. Bonnie knew the plan to kill Klaus so had been trying to delay this, but Klaus was not one to negotiate with, he had threatened Abby and Jeremy, what other choice did she have? The blood moved to each corner and the candles began to burn furiously, signialling that the originals had been unlinked. 


Stefan and Anna lay against the wall eyeing the door but staying hidden from the naked eye. A stake in Stefans hand, and Iliannas as the clung to their weapons and watched Finn walk out with Sage clung to his arm 

"Ilianna, now be a good girl and come out" Finn said not noticing the presence of Stefan and his niece behind him. Stefan ran at Finn but was pushed to the ground at vampire speed by Sage, He accidentally dropped the stake and watched in horror as it fell with a clank down the stairs. 

"Finn the stake!" Sage shouted, Anna new this was her only option, she vamp sped down tot where the stake was, her own still clutched in her hand and placed her foot over it.

"Ilianna" Finn hissed, ordering Anna to pass the stake that could kill originals over. Anna turned her head to the door when she watched Elena and Matt appear, Elena launched a stake at Finn's heart but Anna quickly stopped. All three of the Mystic Falls gang looked in confusion, but Anna knew what she was doing, She threw Elena's stake to the ground and grabbed her own one before stabbing her uncle with it. She watched as he doubled over in pain with the white oak sticking out of his heart. She was as still as a rock and could only watch as her now dying uncle clung to a hysterical Sage as he said watched Sage sob and cry over his desiccating body

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