-Is there a word for total screaming genius -

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Lucas was passed out on the sofa of the Mikaelson compound his body half hanging off the couch. Anna stood over him a annoyed glare over his face before she used her glass of cold water and poured it over his face causing him to wake up with a bolt trying to work out his surroundings. 

"What the hell" 

"You rocked up here at 2am, demanded entrance and then passed out mid way through a story of you compelling an entire bar of people to listen to you play karaoke for 24hours." Anna huffed before pushing his legs off her side of the sofa and joining him sitting down.

"Strange, last thing I remember is getting cosy with a pompous vampire in a suit thought he was a member of the Strix and was trying to get close and get some answers for you my dear." He chucked. "turns out he had just come back from work across the river. Lawyer...He must have been wasted too cause he listened to me for three hours talk about vampire politics" 

"Hilarious, I'm sure" Anna starkly replied sipping her goblet of what was presumably blood. Lucas looked at Anna puppy dog eyes activated waiting for her to pass it. Anna rolled her eyes passing over the goblet that Lucas downed in one gulp.  

"You are in a fabulous mood aren't you Annabels " Lucas nodded to the original 

"Well my life is not all sunshine and rainbows, an old friend betrayed me and attempted to win won over on me. Factor in the hexed aunt upstairs and the other aunt who was poisoned yesterday - I'm positively merry" 

"I'm started to get the message that treacherous brooding old friends are your type' Lucas chuckled. "Whats your plan to make sure he regrets his very existence then " Lucas spoke putting on a fake scary voice causing the girl to release a Mikaelson smirk. 

"I don't know what you mean Lucas. I'm going to be a perfect angel. In fact I'm taking him on holiday, an early Christmas present" 

"What to the Bermuda triangle, make him disappear ..." Lucas spoke raising his hands and making a spooky ...ooooo in her face.

"l I promised miss Davina that I know a witch that may help bring my dad back and conveniently it helps me with my Alex problem. So a + b ...Ooo and I managed to sort out our business problem. Another reason for my trip to London, a business partner should mean we could extend overseas.: 

"You are a total genius Annie" Lucas replied impressed

"Is there a word for total screaming genius, that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy." Anna chuckled, "That is what I am" 

" Anna chuckled, "That is what I am" 

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Alex was leaning against the bridge railing book in hand occasionally flicking the page reading the book. 

"Jane Austen, amazing writer, brilliant comic observer and strictly amongst us a phenomenal kisser" Anna spoke turning her head upside down to read the title and author. 

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