- Time to play the game -

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Flashback - 1978

"Annie please just look at me" Valentina pleaded staring at the back of her friend who sat catatonically facing the grim walls of the motel room. "Look its been 6 months since I rescued you from that godforsaken place of vampire torture horrors but it like you are not even here" Anna's eyes were glazed over, her body sunk. "Did something happen, you know you can tell me anything" 

"Maybe I just want you to get off my case" Anna called her tone harsh and cold snapping at her best friend. "If I wanted to listen to your whiny voice I would...

"You know you don't have to be a bitch, after everything I've done for you, you've what given up, on happiness on love - you know Elliot is out there" Valentina huffed throwing on her long coat readying herself to go out. "I'm going to get us some food, and when I come back hopefully you will be back to yourself." As the witch was about to leave the vamp sped from her chair and pushed her friend against the wall, holding Valentina by the scruff of her neck. 

"Not so fast" Anna said slyly causing the shocked witch to finally put everything together.

"Your humanity.."

"Is long gone, now why don't we have some girl time" Anna smirked before snapping Valentina's neck, knowing the witches infinite life system. 


"You're awake, hooray"  Anna chimed, jumping with glee and smiling psychotically. Valentina, tied to a chair in the middle of the room mumbled pleas began to fill the air, until she realised they were pointless and instead opted for finding out why. 

"Why, what was bad enough for the self righteous and judgy original vampire finally turned it off" Valentina replied smiling to herself referencing the many times Anna had referenced turning a vampires humanity off as cowardly and pathetic. 

"Perhaps it was a year of constant torture, pain, betrayal - all that good stuff. I think the Augustine psychos really messed me up" Anna chuckled. "So I made a choice..:

"The cowards choice, how original" 

"I made a choice and nothing you say or anyone can say will mean that that choice change. I replaced my own suffering with inflicting suffering and my God does it feel euphoric." Valentina tried to offer her help but was hastily shut down by the original  screaming loading "I don't need your help, I don't need anyone." The original reached inside her coat pocket that was hanging on the motel door pulling out a packet of cigarettes, she nodded her head at the witch who was tied to the chair un-audibly demanded she light the cigarette. "The last few months my mind has been going crazy, voices screaming in my head telling me I'm not worth it, I'm the problem, I'm the reason everyone I love is damned for death, do you know how hard it is to sit in silence when your mind is doing anything but. So now, everything is out in the open I know longer have to keep my temper in check."


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With that she puffed her cigarette once before reaching to Valentina's arm and pushing the flaming end onto the witches skin, smiling and exhaling a relieved breath.

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