- The Cure -

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" Sister?" Kol said calling from the door of the high school in mystic Falls. Anna following shortly after him, walked up to the door and opened it, pushing past her father.

"A ripper, a barbie vampire and a bitch all in one room, whose going to die first" Anna said glaring at Elena, holding her own grudges. Her threats made Elena squirm in her seat under the originals glare.

"Look at this Bekah, you're even worse than Klaus" Kol said smiling

"Kol, Annie. did you bring what I was looking for?" Rebekah said smiling, Kol then went behind the door and dragged the teacher who has been teaching Bonnie expression and knows where the cure is. "You must be Shane" Rebekah smiled, causing the other originals to also smile sickly.


"So hows everyone been, slumber parties and underage teenage drinking? Or is it daggering my aunt, failing at killing Klaus and sleeping with my boyfriend" Anna said as she walked over tot he table of Stefan, Elena and Caroline, now that her aunt and dad had dragged Shane away, no doubt to be tortured

"Annie, I've missed you" Caroline said bounding from her seat and fling her arms around the vampire. This surprised both Stefan and Elena.

"And I you Care. Thanks for the updates on everything dopplebitch" Anna said to which Caroline smiled weakly and let a disproving glare come to the surface when she insulted Elena

"What are you doing here Anna" Elena said, The originals walked towards her like a predator stalking its prey, she was above Elena's neck hearing the newly turned vampires heart race

"My my, Rebekah sure if good at pay back, taking the one thing form you that makes you special." Anna said mockingly, "Your innocence, your humanity. Now you're just like Katherine, trading in one Salvatore for another, becoming a killer , a manipulative bitch, and yet you think everything revolves around you, reality check Elena you are nothing, I could kill you right now and sleep like a baby. You're life miss gilbert is worthless"

"Annie" Stefan said warningly

"Still protecting Katherine 2.0 I see. Stefan she broke up with you, despite you being the one that was always there for her, and slept with your brother. I'm your best friend and you are mine so say the word and she's dead" Anna replied sincerely into Stefan's eyes.

"Still glued to you're seats, oh its thick with tension in here" Rebekah said interrupting Stefan and Anna. "Lets spice things up shall we, Elena truth or dare?"

"We are done playing you're stupid games" Stefan said. Rebekah ignored Stefan's pathetic pleas and repeated the question


"I dare you to tell Stefan the truth about Damon"

"Seriously!" Caroline exclaimed raying her head which was previously resting on the table.

"I'm out of here" Anna said knowing full well that tears where already forming in her eyes, she couldn't cry in front of the bitch that took Damon, she wouldn't. She try to leave but Stefan grabbed on to her hand. "Find me when my aunts done playing" Anna replied looking at Stefan who frowned knowing how upset his friend was


"Such a normal family gathering, torture, murder, hostages" Anna sarcastically said walking into the room where her father was repeatedly drowning the professor and attempting to get the location of the cure

"Where's the cure" Kol repeated again before pushing Shane's head under the water and smiling when he could sense the human struggle for breath.

"You're human, what do you want with it anyway" Rebekah said once Shane was pulled out of the water.

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