What You Feel (Shimura Shinpachi)

Start from the beginning

"Shin-kun, what do yo—" (Y/N) cut herself off when Shinpachi turned to her along with the paint brush in hand, unknowingly smearing paint red over her face. "Ah! (Y/N)-san, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to!! I swear, it was an accident!" Shinpachi fumbled with his hands, flustered and nervous as hell as to what she would think of him after he spilled paint on her face.

But then, (Y/N) broke out in a small soft laugh, until it eventually turned into loud giggles. "W-Wha?....." The sight was too heavenly for Shinpachi. Her eyes were closed, but her eyelashes were emphasized by the light in the dimly lit room, her lips curling into the biggest smile showcasing her pearly white teeth and her laugh that sounded so angelic. The poor boy clutched his chest, feeling his heart skipping a thousand beats as he watched the woman laugh heartily. 'So.....—So beautiful. Have I died? Am I in heaven? Because (Y/N)-san looks like an absolute angel...'

Then, he watched her as she brushed her fingertips across his cheeks ever so softly. "There," She grinned at him. "Now, we're even!"

Shinpachi confusedly raised his hands up to touch his face- the exact same spot she caressed and found paint. "Ah! That's playing dirty!!" He yelled in shock as she broke out into another fit of laughter.

"I'm getting revenge!" Shinpachi barked, dipping his hands into a random bucket of paint he launched himself at (Y/N) who in defense, had covered her hands full of paint as well. "No way, I'm letting you. It's on!" (Y/N) grinned dangerously as the two started throwing paint at each other.

The room was filled with loud laughter and giggles as (Y/N) and Shinpachi ran around and threw paint at each other. However, Shinpachi slipped on a rouge paint on the floor and knocked over (Y/N). "Ah! I didn't see that one there..." Shinpachi groans, but then he looked down and saw (Y/N) staring up at him with wide eyes.

He was pinning her down on the floor.

They both stared each other in the eyes, locked in a trance. A small blush creeping unto Shinpachi's cheeks as (Y/N)'s eyes softened at his face. She smiled as Shinpachi snapped out of his trance. "O-Oh! I'm so sorry!" He was about to move away when (Y/N) circled her arms on his neck and brought him down

In one swift motion, she connected her lips with his in a quick but sweet kiss. "(Y/N)-san?..." Shinpachi trailed off when she pulled away and grinned at him. "WAIT—! T-T-T-THAT WAS MY F-F-F-FIRST KISS!" Shinpachi blew up, his face the colour of a tomato as he cupped his face with his hands and looked away from her.

"If it makes you better, it was my first kiss too. I wanted it to be you, Shin-kun!" She happily exclaimed as Shinpachi looked at her, rapidly blinking his eyes. 'THIS ISN'T A DREAM RIGHT?! I REALLY MUST'VE SAVED A COUNTRY IN MY PAST LIFE. THANK YOU GODS!' Shinpachi screamed in his mind, doing an internal victory dance.

"I........love you, (Y/N)-san!" He yelled out, hands folded in his lap and eyes shut close. He heard her giggle and reply, "I love you too, Shin-kun!"

(BONUS: For the cutie virgin human wearing Shinpachi!)

Under the dimly lit room, where the only light source was from the sun bouncing through the open doors. Shinpachi stared longingly and lovingly at (Y/N) who was busy fixing things and cleaning up all the mess they made while covered in paint. A genuine angelic smile was plastered on her face as she did so.

Shinpachi felt taken aback, this was a sight of her he would never forget. She was breath taking in every single way and nothing anyone can say would ever change that.

"I'll go clean up first, or......"(Y/N) turns to Shinpachi who was still staring at her and as if snapping out of a trance, he blinks repeatedly. There was a sly smirk plastered on her face as she turned to Shinpachi with half lidded eyes.

"Would you like to bath together with me?~" She winked at him and Shinpachi gaped, feeling his soul fly out of his body and his nose bleed a gallon's worth of blood.

"I'm joking. You're too cute, Shin-kun. You're too much of a virgin, but don't worry— It'll change soon. If you don't mind, I'll be taking all of your firsts, Shin-kun." She winked at him before exiting the room, and Shinpachi fell to his knees.

"(Y-Y-Y/N)-san.......That's too much!!" He says, as more blood gushes out of his nose, his imagination- had no limit.

YAAAAAAY! Shinpachi is done! Hope u like this one pinecest15. Author-san, u know, Author-san did her best with this one!! ♥️😭 I know I kinda didn't follow through with the request but...I hope this makes up for it. I apologize if this is bad!!

Requests still open!! ♥️♥️♥️

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