"I try to. It's been kind of hard with the baby though." I sheepishly admit as she nods, understanding.

"Where's Tristan?" She asks. "He's downstairs at the gym." I inform her. "But I think he'll come up soon." I assure her To which she nods.

Tristan's been away from his mafia job for a while. He still manages everything, has meetings, sorts shipments... But he hasn't been on a mission thst includes violence, thankfully. But he still as to stay in shape so he works out here.

If I'm being honest, I can't imagine him ever going back. But I know he will eventually and he will be in dangerous violent situations that can get him hurt. But that thought terrifies me so I brush it off.

We talked for a little while but then Eric started crying, which meant he has to be fed. I take him from Isaac and Aylina, who couldn't stop playing with him, then go over to the kitchen so I can get his bottle.

I started pumping a few days ago. I only do it once in a while when I feel exhausted or tender. Eric rarely latches on properly and it hurts.

As we walked into the kitchen, Tristan's parents went upstairs to unpack and to see him as he was done with his work out.

It was just me, Aylina, Isaac and the baby as they say across the kitchen island, playing with Eric as I prepared his bottle. They caught me on on everything that happened with them while they were away.

"Have you been working out?" She asks, out of the blue as she looks me up and down.

"No. I barely have the time." I shake my head, handing them their cups of coffee.

"But you look so hot." She gasps. "I could never tell you popped out a whole baby three months ago." She says with a playful tone.

"Thank you, Aylina." I sheepishly smile, feeling a little flushed and taken back by her compliment.

I take Eric from Isaac then start feeding him, watching him as his adorable face looks up at me. As he continues feeding, his eyes start to close slowly. I stood there watching him slowly drift into slumber but as I do, the time he finished his bottle, he was fast to sleep.

As I was too busy watching him, I look down at my shirt to find it wet. That's when I realized that I leaked through it. It happened to me before though so it's not a big deal.

I place Eric down in his bassinet, then ask Aylina to keep an eye on him while I go change.

I climb up the stairs and head into Tristan and I's room, huffing to myself as I do.

"And are the shipments in place?" I hear his voice as I enter the room. He's facing the balcony, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist as droplets of water trickle down his torso.

"Get it over with then. Have Jonas call me back when you're done." He orders with a deep voice before hanging up the phone.

"Hey." He says, softening his voice as he turns to me while I smile at him. "Why aren't you downstairs?"

"I have to change my shirt." I tell him, grabbing a sweater then putting it on the bed so I can change. "Where are your parents?"

"They went to unpack in their rooms." He says, typing into his phone as he grabs another towel, drying his wet hair with it.

"Where's Eric?" He raises his voice, a little panicked as he looks around.

"He's with Isaac and Aylina." I assure him and he sighs. This is a change of scenery for me and Tristan, we've grown so accustomed to our baby that it's weird to not have him in our sight.

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