Exposed (P2)

896 44 1

Unedited 1900


I try to open my mouth but it feels dry.

Is he talking to me? Because if he is he must have been drugged to not sound so cold and distant.

I want to look at him but with the current audience it would only lead to problems.

"Concubine Melokuhle the King has asked you a request are you not going to adhere to it?" Another Concubine comments.

Leave me alone!

"Concubine Melokuhle must be shy but judging from her previous actions since she arrived at the palace, I think not!"  Anothet concubine commented while giggling.

I'm just gonna sit here and pretend like non of them exist.

I reach out to grab a cup of water but a large hand has already reached for the same cup so I  quickly retract my hand.

I sigh then take a deep breath and tell the same story I told the lovebirds yesterday.

Everyone seems to not believe me but I don't care.  I then take a peek at the King and find him staring at me intensely. I quickly look away but I can still feel the heat of his eyes burning me silently.

I feel uneasy next to him I wish he would go away. I  try to stand but I'm caught by a large warm hand that forces me back to my seat.

I look to see who's hand it was and I'm beyond surprised that it belongs to the King. I try to pull my hand out of his grip but he continues to hold it.

I turn to look at him to only find him drinking the water. I look around the table to see if anyone noticed what he did but it seems no one did.

"Where are you rushing of too?" He asks .

I'm so shocked that I can only stare at him with a surprised look, I even forget not to look at his face.

Is he talking directly to me?

I look around the table again to see of anyone heard what he said but everyone seems to be engrossed in their gift and thanking  royal grandmother.

I try to pull my hand again as I feel my cheeks start to heat up and my heart increasing in its palpitations.

To no avail he does not release me.

I turn to look at him again but this time with a glare.

Let me go!

"Or you're planning to go see your lover!" He stated coldly.

He tightens his hand around mine to the point where it started to hurt. I try again to free muself but it only makes him more scarier as I see his eyes change  darker and sinister.

I can feel sweat forming in my forehead as he continues to intimidate me. I feel my self starting to shake which makes him grab my thigh and apply pressure to alert me that he is running out of patience.

I yepled when he did that which alerted everyone to turn their attention to us. I could feel relief wash over as he turned his face to look towards everyone but he had still not removed his hands from my body.

"I have to go to the morning assembly, I will visit later royal grandmother" he stated in a cool manner

I could still hear the tension in his voice as he stated this. I was greatful that he was leaving but at the same time it made me more scared that he would dare to act in such a manner in front of everyone, what would he do to me in private.

I'm brought back to reality by the movement that happens when he stood up. He looked at me once then left.

That look  alone  look held a threat and spoke volumes.

It said,

This isn't over! 

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