The Zulu Palace (P2)

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Unedited 1900


I am not touching that rooster!

I don't care at this point.

I dropped the knife and turned to walk towards the carriage. Before I could even climb a manly hand had grapped me roughly to the point where a whimper escaped my mouth.

I turned around to see who it was and I saw a younger version of my father however he had the complexion of roasted coco, the man was handsome but he had cruel eyes.

The way he looked at me, hate was evident in his eyes.

Why he felt this way I don't know but he did.

"What the hell do you think you're doing slave!" He said in a low voice where only I could only hear him

I looked at a bit taken aback. Slave? When did I become a slave?

"Don't act high and mighty, your mother was a slave before she married my father, the fact that my sister's wedding got postponed to accommodate a slave makes my blood boil with anger! You disgust me and I'm more disgusted that I have been assigned to take care of you! A low life such as yourself can never be higher than me in life, you will forever remain beneath me!" He said

This is the second time today that someone has insulted me and I would be lying if I said I'm  not affected. Words hurt leave all that sticks and stones nonsence!

Who is this guy?

"Brother! Let her go! People are watching you!" A female voice said.

I looked towards the voice to see the girl that was sitting close to Tandokayise during breakfast.  Thandeka.

Ah so they must be MaMsomi's children but I fail to understand why are they are salty. Won't me marrying the King bring more opportunities to the family?

I know MaMsomi is aiming high because all her children are involved with royalty somehow somewhere but what is the reason for them hating me?

"Stay out of this Thandeka!  It does not concern you!" He spoke swiftly to his sister

She looked taken aback but she still refused to leave.

I started struggling to get his hand off me. It hurt and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

I've had enough of people pushing me around and telling me what to do, this was suppose to be a happy moment for me, why can't they let me just have it?

I might go back any time! Just let me have my moment for pits sack.

"What's happening here?" Came another unpleasant voice.

"Father" they both said at the same time

"Melokuhle" came the worried voice of Nomathemba

Some use she is!

"Get back there and slaughter the chicken! People are staring to talk. Don't embarrass me, how can a child of a former warrior fear a chicken! Do you understand the negative stigma that you are drawing not only to me but to your self and your other siblings. People will look at that as weaklings!" He stated furiously

What does that have to do with me?

Everyman for himself!

"Come!" He said

He dragged me back to where my uncle stood with the knife back to his hands. He snatched it from him and handed it to me.

He then commanded me to slaughter the chicken

"I'm scared!" Screw this I've had enough of these people. They have pushed me to my breaking point!

I'm currently crying with hiccups. I don't want to kill the chicken, I want to go back to my world!

These people have been mean and cruel. I can't take it anymore!

I can hear people laughing at me for being scared of a chicken but they don't know that this is my first time having to kill a chicken alone.

Even back in my world, if we did eat free ranged chickens we would slaughter them in teams and their where always docile.

They gave this chicken intentionally to harm me and I will not stand for this kind of bullying!

"Slaughter the chicken now!" Santa said with malice in his voice.

I can't even feel my arms anymore. He has made me into his punching bag.

"Melokuhle" I turned to the feminine voice to lock eyes with MaZulu.

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