Vows (P4)

907 48 7

Unedited 1900


We are currently kneeling in front of the King as the official does the necessary paperwork work for us to officially be his concubines.

We sign the papers, now it's time for the vows.

Zodwa told me vows are said while the wife is serving the husband usually the wife wipes the feet, hands and face of the husband and moisturises it to show that she will take care of him as a result the husband pats the wife's back to show his gratitude and thus states with words how he will take care of her.

However for the King it's,  different. No one is allowed to touch the face of the King other then the one that he spends the night with or his usual care taker.

Hence we are only to wipe  his feet and hands.

I understand what Zodwa ment but the problem is that we are 3 and he has 1 set of feet and hands so who is willing to share?

The worst part is that I'm the distanced physically  away from him. I don't want to embarrass myself by jumping and touching him first but I just know in my heart none of these ladies are going to wipe one foot or hand.

Can this day get any worse?

Oh yes it can, you see the skirt I'm wearing is not flexible as a result I can't even bend probably nor can I breath properly.

It is cutting through my knees and I'm about to go crazy.

I have been fidgeting ever since I was kneeling which resulted in the man standing next to the King to snicker.

I'm already irritated and he has the nerve to laugh at me!

Which is why I didn't think before I turned my head towards and clicked my tongue.

I realised my mistake too late when the smirk on his face turned to a grimace, I widened   my eyes realising my mistake. I forgot who I was and where I was.

One thing I know about Zulu man, respect is something they take seriously and I being the most ignorant person just burned the only bridge I had left.

I turned my eyes to look at the King to find him already looking at me with pure disgust.

I can hear the song by Rihanna-Take a bow saying  "go on and take a bow"

My life is over!

I turn my head towards the crowd and look for any familiar face.

I see the face of Nkhanyezi. I don't know why but I feel my eyes stinging maybe this is how she felt on a daily basis, people hating on you is sure to cause a strain on your emotions.

I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't even realise that concubine 1 has finished washing the feet, I heard the Kings voice in my head but it sounded so far away that I didn't  even understand what he said.  Concubine 2 stands and opens up her basket, she then starts whipping both his hands then stops to moisturise them.

He then pats her on her back declares that she is most beautiful and that he will take care of her for the rest of her life.

Wow,that was romantic, makes me wonder did he say the same to Concubine 1. Concubine two is pretty with her ginger kinky hair.

Her hair is longer then mine and she got a more womanly body then mine.

That's life right!

I don't care though I'm happy with what I have. In my world I didn't even have boobs and that's like having a deformity for an African female . So I'll take what I'm given and shut the the hell up.

"Girl!" The voice I have been waiting the whole night to address me but this is how have he calls me?

I'm hurt.

He did not live up to my fantasy, I was expecting him to call me baby or something.

Then he would say something romantic words like, here you are my true Queen, but no, the man calls me 'girl'


I stand up too quickly and feel a bit dizzy. My steps falter  a bit but I pull myself together I look at the King in his eyes and smile trying to hide my embarrassment until of course I  realise that I'm not allowed too, so I look towards the man beside him.

He still has a grime facial expression. I guess he is still salty about me clicking tongue towards him.

Dude , let it go!

I try to walk again but my knees buckle before I can make it to the King.

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