Cut who!

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Unedited 1900


"Come out!" Said the sangoma responding to me.

I currently have a whole muffin stuffed in my mouth and I am holding a bowl of fruits in the other hand.

My life is a comedy!

"I said come out!" He said again

I can't bra my cheeks and mouth are filled with fruits. Don't they want to do another turn around the rou.....

"I said com....." he stop mid sentence as soon as he saw my appearence.

Not only was I instructed to kneel and wait for the ritual to be over,I was suppose to carry grass basket on top of my head which included personal gifts I was to give to my husband.

However, I'm on the the bed, the basket is on the floor and I am currently eating. 3 offences, how will I ever lie my way out of this.

"What are you doing, you disrespectful child!" He said

"Do you know who you have done?" He said

Nope. I shook my head,how can I answer with food in my mouth. I am a lady with manners!

"The ancestors will be angry with your lack of respect to them, they pour out a rather on you!"

I'm good bra, I got Jesus.

"What is happening?" Santa came in and saw my current situation.

"She has doomed you all!" The sangoma said.

Now wait a minute guy! How am I responsible for their doing,  didn't you say only I will be punished?

"You ungrateful child,just like your mother!" Santa barked furiously.

I never knew the mother of Melokuhle but since you married her how can you talk so badly about your late wife.

"All she ever did was spend my money and fail to produce sons for me, she only gave me you. A worthless child who can't even follow a simple act of a traditional!" Santa said.

Ouch! Words hurt. I'm done chewing and my mouth is empty, I want to respond but what is the point. He stayed things that are not related to me, I gonna be gone from here after I wake up from the comma.

Who knows I might even write a story about my out of body experience. Nonetheless what he said is being heartless, since Melokuhle is his flesh and blood.

Disgusting santa.

"The male side of the family have arrived" a voice of a child could be heard over the music and talking happening around the round by the 3 people inside.

"Can anything be done to rectify her stupid mistake Sangoma?" Santa asked.

"There's not enough time, we can't keep the husband family waiting. We can only hope that the punishment will not be too severe on her and her family" the sangoma said.

"Is there a way where we can push the punishment to gill only on her shoulders?"santa asked.

Only this man will ask such a question granted I was the one who created the pro blemishes but he is my father, fathers are suppose to protect their children.

"Yes, but it will require a sacrifice from her for it to work." The sangoma said

"We have to so do two cuts to her cheeks, since this is a sacrifice and not a blessing the cuts cannot be made in the body." The sangoma said

What! The hell he will!

"Okey, let's do it quickly so that she cN quickly clean her face, she will wear a vail when we esco....Hey! Get back here..."

Is santa crazy, I'm not cutting much face. For the first time in my life my skin looks and feels like velvet and he wants to ruin it for me.

He must be crazy, I will fight him tooth and nail.

I will not cut my face for something that I don't even believe in! The heck!


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