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Unedited 1869

Mazulu  (flashback)

"Ntombi are you sure Lindani is someone you wish to marry?"

"Yes Ma, he is my true love. I know that our future will be better if we spend it together."

"Ntombi Lindani is a warrior, not only but a general. A lot of women wish to make him their husband. He is an eligible man but Ntombi I know you, you're not a person that is willing to share. Warriors are known for having more then one wife."

"Ma, Lindani promised me that he would only marry me and build a family with me. I trust him Ma"

"Ntombi you are the maternal niece of the current Queen. You can ask her for a favour to marry an official who works inside the Zulu Palace. You are a person that enjoys quite spaces a warriors home is filled with struggle but an officials home is filled with serenity. I know this is what you want but I wish you could rethink it my daughter. I say this because I love you and care about your well being. When we are young we make mistakes that cost us a lot.  My child, I don't want you to fall victim to the same fate as your mother.

Those where the words spoken by my mother on her death bed 9 years ago.

As I sit in my round on my bed,  I could hear the celebrations for the wedding happening.

My whole body is numb.  I cannot believe that Lindani went through with the wedding after I had disagreed with it.

Did I not give him two beautiful children.

Where we not happy for the past 9 years of our marriage. How can he break a promise he told me he would keep when we got married.

"You are my one and only, there will never be a another"

Like a fool I believed him, now I watch him do as he pleases.

I had already went back to my birth home to plead with my father to fight on my behalf.

Lindani had made a promise to my father that he would marry only me, he even stated it during our vow ceremony.

Everyone knew. My friends and family where happy for me and admired Lindani for stating such a bold statement in front of everyone.

Lindani was a sort out man indeed. He was attractive and he knew it but what caught my attention about him was his care for me.

He noticed things about me that other suitors didn't. In the kingdom I lived in, woman are expected to be home bodies and look after the husband and their household but I had a passion for literature and I loved writing books and poems for people to read and enjoy.

This trait was frowned  upon on women but since I was related to royalty I was the exception. However istead of repelling suitors it did the opposite. It attracted many suitors but the problem I had with all of them was that they all expected for me to drop my passion for literature as soon as I got married to them.

That was something I was not willing to do. Which led to me getting married really late in my life because I was not willing to settle. I had a mind of my own and I knew if no one accepted me for who I was then I would rather die alone.

However when Lindani came and encouraged me to write more, it placed him in my sight. I started noticing and asking more about him where ever I went.

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