Weird (P2)

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This place looks amazing.

The trees, flowers and animals!

Everything looks like a picture. It's too perfect to be real.

As soon as I stepped out of my room which is painted in a black and white colour outside with patterns that tell a story - in my description . I was greeted with am amazing view.

My round hut is situated in a huge yard where there is 10 other rounds.

I know this because I asked Nomathemba. Although she was a bit reluctant to answer my questions she decided to give up and tell me everyone I want to know.

She probably thinks I'm nervous to get married thus leading me to bombarding her with stupid questions about the place I grew up in.

In a summary the 10 round huts are made up of 5 bedrooms and the other four are the eating place the other is the sitting place for the family the other is the kitchen and the other two is where the servants sleep.

She said we are currently going to the eating area which is where all the adults are waiting for me before the rituals can start.

As we walk around I find the source of noise that I could hear from all the way in my room.

It was a group of children playing outside and as soon as I passed by them they all greeted me in a very respectful manner. Totally different to how these millinnials treat their elders.

I responded back as politely as I  possible could as I passed them.

The yard was really big because I think we walked a good ten minutes before we reached our destination.

The hut was alot bigger then my room and the design was different two.

It was three times bigger then my room. It had more windows then my room and the hight was twice as much as my room. The outside painting was a black and white which had an identical type of style painting like my room.

It looked magnificent!

I could smell the aroma of food from inside which made me realise how hungry I was.

I am a bit nervous to step inside since I don't know these people plus eating in your dream means someone is bewitching you.

I am abit perplexed as to what to do but I know if I want this dream to really make sense I had to do what I had to do.

"Go in" Nomathemba said.

I had not realised that this whole time I was stuck in front of the door 10 feet away. I noticed that my hands started  to get sweaty...I guess this is about to be the climax of the dream before I wake up.

Oh well, here goes nothing!

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