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"My King?" What did I do!!!?

"Do you accept your punishment? " The King spoke in a nonchalant voice.

"I... Yes?"

"Do you admit to your crimes?" oh Lord! I'm not even sure of my crimes.


"..." Are we playing a staring game?

"Do you even know what you did that night?" was it me or did his voice have a hint of amusement.

My King I wouldnt be here accepting everything you are saying.

"Nooo.... my King I do not know my wrong doings" There I said OKAY, now tell me what I did!

"Maybe your servant will enlighten you?" I was not mistake. This man is laughing at me!

Servant? Zodwa? But she said she didn't see anything... Zanda?

I turned to look at her and to my greatest shock the little minx had a playful smile on her!

Oh oh bury me alive, Please!

"I assigned her as she was the one that  saved you that night. I think that maybe your.... dancing techniques should have abit more refinement pffft.."

Oh. My. Word, I was living with my disgrace for the past two weeks and she did nothing to help me sort out my dilemma.

"As for your pusihment I think a day of cooking lunch for me should be enough after the ordeal I had to suffer through" He said with pure unrestrained amusement.

Suffer? You Cleary enjoying making an idiot out of me.

Lunch and cooking does not seem to be a bad idea, I can do that. I thought that my punishment would be alot worse.

"I agree My King" Okay now what do you cook a King?.

"Alright then, go get ready for the ritual" He said as he called his trusted always presentment stone faced right hand man and left.

I turned and walked straight to Zanda and spoke. "Talk"

"Mistress I have not told anyone about  what happened." She said quickly

Fatlot that will do everyone know what happened, might as well spill the beans.

"You danced the Reed dance it's just... It was not how... Em em I mean it's not how woman of marrigable age dance." She with her eyes all over the the place but me.

"What does that mean?" I'm confused.

"It means Ms Melokuhle that you preformed a horrible Reed dance which is not expected of your aga and status this you became a laughing stalk. I apologize for my words but Zanda here was taking forever to say something so simple." Zodwa to the rescue, I'm sensing a cat fight between this two brewing.

"Oh... Well that's embarrassing but what about the suductress rumor?"

"Mistress well was because the dance was very alluring to the eyes... I had never seen such a dance but it had all the men twerking that was when the King had ordered me to pull you away from the entertainment floor" She said slowly like a teacher explains to learners.

"Can you show how this dance was?" I have to know if it was twerking or not.

"Oh well... I may not be able to do it like you but I'll try" she walked in front of us then stood side ways and stared moving here entire body like a wave.

"Okay, that's not bad what else."

She then turned around placed her hands on her both her thighs bent her body half way poked her but then started shaking her booty!


I really did tweek, I cannot believe this!

"Stop! Stop! Stop! You don't have to demonstrate any more"

"Zowda are the concubines finished with the sangoma?"

"Yes Ms Melokuhle, they are now going to the dining building to" I did not let her finished before I spoke.

"Lead the way"

Not only have I introduced a dance to the people that was not suppose to be know but I have also ruined a cultural dance...

Lord did you bring mre here to suffer and destroy?

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