Visit me...Okey?

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Unedited 1900


"I don't see you as a murderer, you're a person who just happened to be at the wrong time and place. Don't allow her words to hurt you" I told Nkhanyezi as we enjoyed the scene of children playing in the stream and ate fruits.

"T-t-thank you, other than my mother you're the only person that believes me. It's nice to know that I have a sister I can count on" she said

God please don't let her cry. It's too hot to be hugging people!

" Yes...well, you're family, how can I not." I said

I think Nkhanyezi has depression, a term that does not exist in this world if they call her crazy. Depression is a sickness that can be treated. Nkhanyezi just needs the right people around her not traditional sedatives.

"Nkhanyezi, when you get the time visit me regularly at the Palace. Okey?" I said

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Yes of course! You are my friend and sister, I want you to be around me." I said

"Well if you feel comfortable then I will do just that. how do y-y-you feel about marrying the King?" She asked

Oh she's making conversation! Well this is a good start.

"I feel happy" I answer.

What else can I say, I don't know the guy.

"Have you met him before? " I ask her

" No, not many people have seen him only the warriors and the people that live in the Zulu Palace and the officials. However today I might get a chance too." She stated excited.

"Well if you're so excited, you will see him more often the more you visit me!" I told her

"Yes yes of course " she agreed

We fell into a confertable silence of us watching what was happening around us.

A lot of Melokuhle's family members came to greet and congratulate me. I had to keep asking Nomathemba who were these people one by one because I knew none of them.

I went to the stream to refresh my self before we started to walk the rest of the journey to the palace.

I got tired along the way and decided to enter the carriage that was made for the bride. I dint care at this point Melokuhle will have to deal with the repercussions of being known as lazy when she returned to her body.

I couldn't take it anymore. I could hear laughter outside the carriage but I didn't care. They can burn in the sun and get heat strokes I would rather be inside the carriage where there is shade and refreshments.

I don't know when but I had fallen asleep. I was woken up by the sudden jurk of the carriage.

When I peeped through the the window, I couldn't see anything because it was dark however I could hear the music and ululating  happening around me.

I guess we had arrived at the Zulu Palace.

Nomathemba came and knocked on my carriage door then opened it.  You could see the joy in her face

"Melokuhle come, we have arrivied ! Come and see your new home!" She said

I fixed myself inside and stepped outside the carriage with the help of Nomathemba.

She led me around the carriage and that's when I saw it.

The Zulu Palace

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