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Unedited 1900


"What are waiting for, I would prepare the water myself but there is no tap and I doubt that there is a geyser. As a result I'm assuming water has to be boiled on a natural fire, no offense but I am not gonna burn myself as a result of lack of technology"  I told her while taking off my clothes.

"Ms Melokuhle, you are not allowed to leave the palace. Especially as the new concubine. It is not allowed" she said while preparing my bath water.

"Why is it not allowed?" I ask

" see, it's the rules of the Zulu Palace. If a concubine must leave the palace it must be for emergencies only. Other than that she must be under supervision for a whole month then only is she allowed to ask for permission to visit outside the palace." She said

She must be joking!

I have been here for two days now including today. I don't plan on staying another day. I am leaving today whether they allow it or not!

Yes the King is eye candy but I will survive with my world's mediocre eye candies.

"Okey" I'll concede for now but I'll keep my eyes open for exits.

We are outside listening  to the lead maid servant, concubine 2 is acting like she is the Queen.  The other concubine keeps complaining about me. As for me , I'm standing and observing all this play out.

In all honesty, this all looks funny. I am myself look put together because of how we're  dressed. The dresses look extravagant well their dresses mine is more on the plane side but we still look good.

The reason behind everuthing being a joke is the rules that are being recited by the lead maidservant.

1. The King is be respected at all times, he is your superior and is the most powerful man in the kingdom.

2.  Never look our King in the eyes unless given permission too.

3. Never seek out the King unless he calls for you.

4. Do not have an affair with the guards.

I still can't believe how insane this is. These are all rules based on controlling us. Non whatsoever is for our benefit. But I don't care I'm leaving today so they can follow they rules all their want. I just need to get to the gates and I'll be on my way.

We have been monitored the whole day and have been drilled with etiquette and all nonsense but I'm looking forward to dinner.

We have been told that the entire royal family will be present as it is the Kings grandmothers birthday.

Lucky for me because that means everyone will be distracted and I will be able to slip away.

I have been grilling Zodwa with questions like 'what time do guards change posts' and 'which carriage would go closer to where Melokuhle's home is'.

As of now,  I have a plan and it's all centered around around the dinner tonight.

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