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Unedited 1900


Either way all of the above would not help. I'm pretty sure I look suspicious. I'm sweating, I look frantic and my maidservant is not with me!

Yep! Definitely guilty.

I bow my head and make way for him and his procession of people. In his group included his right hand man, the Queen and his personal guards behind them.

"What are you doing on this side of the Palace concubine?" A feminine gentle voice asked.

I knew who it was however for me to answer that question will result in me being discovered.

Hence, white lie it is

"I am lost" which is true because I don't recognising where I am.

"Oh, how did you get lost when you have a maidservant?" She asked curiously.

Great! More questions.

"I was waiting for her to bring me an extra layer of clothing as I was feeling cold. I wanted to observe the palace at night." I said

"Then if you where waiting for her how did you get lost?" She said

What is this? Court? Am I on trail?

" I got bored waiting and started to walk and look around" I said

"Mh okey, however when we found you-you where running. You looked frantic,  are you Okey? " she said

" Yes yes I'm fine" I said

"Alright, then why not I have one of my maidservant lead you back to your quaters?" She said

"No!....I mean thank you but I'll wait for Zodwa, she will arrive here soon then we will leave. Thank you for your kind offer My Queen." I said

There was silence for a moment before the King started walking again without saying a word.

I felt relief as soon as they passed by but it was shortly lived as a dominant cold voice cut through me reliefed thoughts "Come!"


I turned and followed behind them.

"My King, the night looks amazing today, reminds me of the time I first came to the Zulu Palace."

"Mh" the King answered

"I was so scared of meeting you, you had won so many battles at such a young age and where praised everywhere by everyone. I felt insignificant compared to you. Although my family holds high standing in the kingdom I knew I couldn't compare it to you" she laughed a bit then continued.

"When I see you concubine it reminds me of my self, beautiful, young, clumsy and insignificant." She said

What the hell!

"However, I knew I had to better myself. So I trained and listened to the teachings I underwent in the palace. I never was a person to wonder around the palace without a maidservant as it was the rules. Funny, I guess the rules have changed over the years" she said coyly

Well she's a hater, who would have thought. I don't care though, this is Melokuhle's probl..

"Ahhhh my nose!" I cried out in pain.

I just smashed into the wall with my face and fell butt first to the ground.

Oh my word how could I not see that everyone had turned and I continued on walking.

I feel hands around me, I turn to come in contact with a guard trying to help me.

I couldn't see his face as my eyes where filled with tears.

"My nose, my nose hurts!" I said in English.

At this point I don't know what I'm doing nor understand, I only understand pain.

The pain I'm feeling is like stubbing your toe somewhere, the that pain and  multiply it 100 times.

I can visibly feel myself shaking so I reach for comfort. I don't care who it is, as long as someone comforts me.

I lean towards the warm body and imagine it was my mother comforting me. I'm crying like a baby and I can't help my self.

I've shut out what's happening around me. And focused on my imagination. Before I could drown in my memories a voice breaks through that barrier " Get away from her!" A cold voice said

Before I could even understand what was happening I am grabbed by large callused hands forcefully  pulling me away from my imaginary mom, and I'm not having it.

I'm holding on so tight to my imaginary mom that I don't even realise who is trying to snatch me away.

The person gives one effortlessly tug and I am unable to hold on any longer. To my imaginary mother.

That's when I lose touch with reality.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! No, let me go! Mom" I'm screaming and crying.

I want to go home! These people don't want me to go home!  I can't stay here forever!

The man forcefully places my head in his chest and locks me into a bear hug.

I'm engulfed by the smell of mint and lavender. I could feel the muscles undearneath  the clothes, the strong steady heartbeat,warmth,safety...home.

I stopped struggling and just basked in this person's body. Pain long forgotten all that is left was me and this person.

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