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"So, what are you planning on doing in the library? And how do you even know of it?" Yoongi asked, sitting next to me eating his plate of eggs and bacon, then looking up to meet my eyes while he chews on the piece of bacon in his mouth.

"I found it this morning while I was looking for you. And why do you wanna know what I'm going to do in there?"

"Just curious..." he said, then took another bite of his bacon.

"I'm going to read some books, they look very interesting..." I said

"okay. You should tell me if you see an interesting book. I have read most of them, but there are a couple I haven't read yet"

"okay...What are you going to do for the rest of the night?"

"I have some things I have to discuss with Namjoon, and then I will probably go do some work in my office."

"What kind of work do you do there?"

"I...help keep peace between other clans."

"How many clans are there?" I ask, getting interested in our conversation.

"Well, there is our clan, the Red Raven palace, then there is the Blood Moon palace, and also the Black Rose palace. That is the only clans in South Korea. There are many more, but we are the closest to each other. We try to hold peace with them. The Black Rose Palace is always helpful, and we help each other when in need. The Blood Moon palace isn't really open to us. They mostly only care about status and fame. They have been trying to take us over for years, but try to hide it, not doing a very good job with that. They signed a contract with us to keep peace while we still have a king and queen."

"Do you know the king and queen of this palace?"


"you sound like you work very closely with them. Sounds like you do most of the work around here."

"Yeah... anyway, I see you are finished with your breakfast too, so I have to be heading off to Namjoon. If you need me, I'll probably be in my office."

"Thanks" I said and stood up. A maid came and took our plates, then Yoongi was off, going to do some work.

I walked towards the library, and I could already hear the others' voices. I opened the door, and they all looked at me, then they all welcomed me in and gave me a seat.

"I already told them that you want to learn more about us, so if you have any questions, you can ask us." Hoseok said. I nodded my head, and he started telling me about the history of vampires.

"So, we begin with the king and queen. Basically, to run a clan, you need both king and queen, mostly it is to show the other clans how strong you are, and also responsibility. It shows that you are able to care after a family, as a clan should be like a family to the king and queen. They should protect the palace. The king is the most powerful one, but he gets more powerful when finding the queen."

"So this clan is probably very strong as we have both a king and queen? Interesting..."

"No, at the moment we do not have a queen."

"What? But Yoongi told me he knows the king AND queen."

"uhhh...oh, yeah he is probably already calling her the queen...the king found his queen, his soulmate, but she still has a lot to learn, so she isn't the queen yet, but she will be."

"that makes sense. You talked about his soulmate, how do you know the other person is your soulmate?"

"the easiest is that the person smells like your favourite smell. After all, it's only your favourite smell, because it's your soulmates' smell, and their blood tastes more rich and sweeter than other vampires blood. You also feel an attraction towards the person."

"oh okay, so it is mostly easy to spot your soulmate."

"Correct. Is there any other questions?"

"uh yeah...it's about Yoongi.."


"So you're telling me that she dreamt of her own death?" Namjoon asks

"yeah. I hope that I will be able to stop it though."

"There may be a chance that you can stop her from dying. You just have to be more careful about who knows about her."

"At the moment it's just us cousins that knows about her. Also some workers too."

"I suggest that you keep a close eye on her for a while."

"More than I already am?"

"yeah. I don't think there is anything else that you could do then. It may also just be a nightmare."

"I think that I have to let the guards know to be on the lookout for anything weird, make security more strict for a while."

"Good. If this dream was really of her death, you may cause a butterfly affect which means that she can dodge her death. Also, the Blood Moon palace's ball is just around the corner. You should also think about what you are going to do about that."

"I already have a plan."

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