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I turned around and faced the back of the couch to not show Kayla how much I'm stressing right now. That was not just a dream.

She was still reading that book by the noise of the pages flipping every few minutes. I was trying to calm my breathing down, trying not to disturb her. I should go to Namjoon with this information. Hopefully he will know what it is about.

I tried sleeping a few times, but always failing. Kayla fell asleep with the book on her face, so I decided to remove the book. I slowly stood up, and lightly took the book. I saw she was on the page where I last read. I read the book a few weeks ago, but it never was an important book to me, and I took it back to the library, but now that all of this has happened, I took the book again, and put it next to my bed, hoping I will have time to read it, since it is a very important book now that my soulmate is a human.

I lay the book down, and walked out of the room, wondering through the castle to try to get tired again. I greeted a few guards on day duty, and went to the kitchen. Chefs were starting to get ready for breakfast, so I just took an apple and got out of their hair, knowing that I will only be in the way. Finally, the sun went down, and I walked back to my room, changing my clothes, and went to Namjoon's room. I knocked lightly, but I got no reply. He must still be sleeping.

I softly opened the door, and sat on his bed, cross-legged, waiting for him to wake up.


I woke up. When did I fall asleep?

Yoongi wasn't on the couch, also not in the bathroom. I quickly changed my clothing, and went to go look for him.

I was searching through a few rooms, not going into rooms where I know he won't be. I found a large double door, wondering what is on the other side. I knocked softly, trying not to make a big noise, but I didn't hear anything. I think the door is too big, I don't think anyone would hear my knocking.

I slowly opened the door, hopefully not regretting doing this, but what I found was books everywhere. I walked in with an open mouth, and explored the place. It was a huge library. I looked through the books, forgetting that I was looking for something. I found a history book of vampires, and took it out, sitting on a nearby chair. I sat cross-legged, and began looking through the book.

A few minutes later, the door opened again, and I looked up to see Hoseok.

"Kayla! What a pleasant surprise seeing you in here. I didn't think you would know of this place, as you have only been in a few rooms."

"Yeah, I just found this room." You said with a smile, him returning the smile.

"Found anything interesting yet?" Hoseok asked.

"not yet. I found this history book of vampire. I want to know more about your kind, but it's hard focussing. This book is too formal. I can't think straight." You said.

"Well no wonder. You took the hardest book to read." He said with a laugh. You huffed, and closed the book.

"You know, we can always tell you stories of our history, and teach you about us."

"Really?! That would be awesome!"

"no problem. We have a few hours a day that we can meet up. I'll tell the others too. It will be so much fun!" he said, clapping his hands like a seal and jumping a bit. You found his personality very happy and heart-warming, making you feel comfortable to be around all of these vampires. It still is something to get used to.


Finally, Namjoon woke up. He screamed when he saw me on his bed watching him, but I didn't have anything else to do.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"I didn't want to wake you."

"no, what I mean is why are you here?"

"oh... yeah, I need your help."

"Yoongi, are you tired?"

"no, why?"

"Your eyes are red" Namjoon said

"Don't worry about me, I have other things to worry about. I don't need sleep." Namjoon sighed.

"You do need sleep, but anyway, what's bothering you?"

"Kayla had a dream."

"Kayla dreams? Whaaaat? How can a human girl have dreams?"

He's mocking me.

"Idiot, the dream was about her dying."

"What do you mean? Do you have more information?"

"She said that I was trying to save her, but then she got killed."

Namjoon was thinking for a while, then rubbed his face with his hands.

"uhm, can I just get ready, then we can talk about this again. I can't think when I just woke up to a Yoongi staring at me. All I see is your face now."

"Fine, that's okay, I understand. I'll see you at breakfast."

"yeah, see you there." Namjoon said, then I walked out, walking back to my room to wake Kayla up for breakfast.

But she wasn't there.

I was ready to walk out to go look for her, but then she came in the room.

"Yoongi! Where were you? I was looking everywhere for you!"

"I was just discussing something with Namjoon. Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Yep! Oh, so I'm going to the library after breakfast, so you don't have to worry about me."

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