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The three of you sat there on the ground in silence. Todoroki was still rubbing your back and Bakugo was now trying to make a braid with a strand of your hair to pass time.

"Hey." You said as you turn to the boys.


"Thanks again." 

"No worries. I understand." Todoroki answered and you chuckled.

You didn't say anything else until you noticed how horrible the braid Bakugo was attempting was.

"That's not how you do it." You spoke over his shoulder.

"As if you could do any better scarface." He said in his usual grumpy tone. 

"It's my hair, of course I can do better." You retaliate and start braiding a strand of hair. Bakugo looks closely to see how it's done and mimics your movements. In the end your braid was still nicer, the winner being decided by judge Todoroki.

After a few more minutes of silence the door was opened and all of you looked up to see Aizawa standing there looking extremely worried. You all stood up and Aizawa pulled you into a hug.

"Are you okay?" He asked you and you nodded.

"I am now." You said as you left the room. Feeling the air coming back to you.

Aizawa turned to Todoroki and Bakugo and put a hand on their shoulders.

"Thank you for helping her. She'll probably be mad at me if I say this so don't tell her. She's been through a lot as a child. Do you know about her dad?" 

Todoroki shook his head and Aizawa continued.

"He would lock her up in their basement if she couldn't reach his expectations so she doesn't like small areas. So I just wanted to thank you for taking care of her." He said.

The boys were left in disbelief, not realizing that for some people, their biggest enemies can be in their families.

"So those scars on her arm and face, are they his doing?" Bakugo asked.

"Her arm was done by her dad." 

"Then what about her face?" Todoroki asked but only got an 'I don't know' in response.

"Okay then let's get to class." He said.

When the three entered the classroom you weren't there. Aizawa just sighed and the boys went to their seats. The whole class was talking about what had just happend while they waited for you to come to class. Well Todoroki waited and so did Bakugo and Mr. Aizawa. 

After 10 minutes you came in and the whole class went silent. Some of them looked at you with a look of disgust. 

"Why are you late?" Aizawa asked you.

"Why not." You said with a mischievous smile on your face. He just sighed as you made your way over to your desk.

Aizawa told everyone that some reporters had gotten into the school and that's why there was a security breach. Then the class president and vice president were supposed to talk about a few things. Midoriya ended up giving his title of class president to Iida.

"Todays training will be a little different. Instead of one teacher your gonna have 3 pros." Aizawa said as you yawned. You were still tired from the mission last night.

"You're gonna be doing rescue training. It's at an off campus facility so we're gonna take a bus. Get ready." 

And with that everyone got changed and hopped on the bus. You sat down next to Bakugo which confused him for a second until he looked around and noticed all the seats were taken. Todoroki sat down next to you. After a few minutes Bakugo noticed you kept dosing off and soon enough you fell asleep, your head landing on his shoulder. 'What do I do?' Bakugo thought to himself as he started getting a little flustered. 'I guess she's tired so I'll let her sleep for a while plus she doesn't look half bad like this.'  He decided to focus his attention on Kirishima, Midoriya and some others who were talking about quirks.

"We'll if there's anyone in our class with pro quirks it's Todoroki, Bakugo and Ito." Kirishima said as he looked over at the trio. 

"Sure but Bakugo's always angry so he'll never be that popular." Asui said.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'll kick your ass." The blonde started yelling but quieted down so he wouldn't wake you up.

"You see?" Asui said and pointed at him.

The students discussing this matter started bickering for a while so Bakugo decided to put on his headphones and listen to some music until they arrived. Todoroki, who sat on your other side, kept glancing down at you. He tried keeping himself awake as he had not slept well the prior night either.

As Bakugo closed his eyes and put his head back, he drifted off to sleep. Todoroki also fell asleep, head landing on your shoulder. All three of you sleeping peacefully, Bakugo with his music on and head leaned back, you on his shoulder and Todoroki on yours. One person in your class took note of this. Mina Ashido jumped out of her seat with a big grin on her face.

"Guys quiet down!" She hushed her classmates.

"Look at Todoroki, Bakugo and Ito! They look so cute together!" She let out a squeel as she pointed at the three.

"Aww they look so good together! But are you team Bakugo or team Todoroki?" Uraraka fangirled.

"Todoroki!" Asui answered.

"Team Bakugo for the win!" Mina quietly squeeled.

"You know she's pretty cute while she's sleeping and not threatening everyone to kill them." Kaminari said.

"Agreed." Kirishima said. Mina pulled out her phone and took a picture of them.

"H-hey what are you doing?" Midoriya asked her.

"I'm gonna embarrass them when they wake up hehe." She said with an evil smile.

"They look like soulmates!" Hagakure chimed in.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Momo asked.

"Those two have two quirks each while those two need anger management and they're all super attractive and super strong!" Hagakure squeeled.

"I agree with you." Uraraka said as she put an arm around Hagakure.

"They're probably the hottest in our class." Mina chuckled.

"I have to admit they do look good together." Jiro said 

"Just need to pick which boy is better for her." Uraraka said as they arrived at the training grounds.

"Everyone gather up!" Aizawa yelled at them. 

All the students rushed out standing in front of their teacher. As he looked through the class he noticed a couple missing students.

"Where's Todoroki, Bakugo and Ito?" He asked the class with his groggy voice.

All of them pointed to the bus. He sighed and went inside and found them asleep next to each other. He pinched the skin between he brows and let out a long sigh before approaching the kids. He woke up Todoroki and Bakugo and told them to wake you up and left. He knew you would be embarrassed if you found out he saw you asleep like that and didn't feel like dealing with your anger right now. He knew you could be a handful if you weren't allowed to sleep and even worse if you were embarrassed. 

'Jeez I'm gonna have to keep an eye on those three. She's too young for this.'

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