~Twenty Six~

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You were in your office looking over some reports from civilians when Aizawa came in. 

"Y/n could you run these documents over to Best Jeanist?"

"Why don't you just email them?" 

"They're too sensitive." 

"Then regular mail them."

"Takes too long."

"Then send someone else. I've got work to do." 

"These documents are too important to just send with anyone." 

You gave him a tired glance before looking down at the paper files in his hand. You sighed and got up from the chair. He handed them over to you and patted you on the head.

"Thank you." 

"Whatever." You mumbled as you walked past him. 

You slowly started to make your way to the agency which was about 30 minutes away. Once you got there you had to do the usual check in with the front desk before you could be let in to Best Jeanist's office. You knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in." 

"Eraser head sent me with these-" You opened the door and started talking until your eyes met with Bakugo's.

You knew he was interning here so you expected to see him but you didn't expect to see his hair styled the same as Best Jeanist's. You both stared at each other, wide eyed until you burst out laughing. You rolled around on the floor and laughed so hard you had to hold your stomach because of the pain.

"Stop laughing bastard!" He screamed at you but you couldn't stop. 

"What happened to your hair?" You hunched over and wiped a tear from your eye. 

"It's not my fault! He forced me to!" Bakugo grew angrier the more you laughed. Somehow between all the laughing and Bakugo's screaming, you managed to take a picture of him.

"Hey delete that you dumbass!"

"Never." You smirked. He ran over to you and the two of you got into a fist fight, both of you trying to get a hold of your phone. Even though you were fighting, you felt slightly relieved to see him acting like himself again. Last week, before the internships, he'd been avoiding any contact or communication with you. Best Jeanist used his strings and pulled Bakugo away, restraining him while he helped you up. 

"What did you come here for Y/n?" 

"First you need to teach me how you managed to do that with his hair." You started laughing again when you looked over at Bakugo who just yelled curses at you in response. 

"Y/n." Jeanist said in a stern tone so you straightened up a little.

"Alright. Aizawa asked me to give you these." You handed over the files to him. 

"Thank you. Did you hear about the hero killer stain?" 

"Didn't Endeavor go to Hosu with Todoroki to investigate just this morning?" 

"Yes but I thought you were also supposed to be there." 

"Hey let me down!" Bakugo shouted.

"I'm going this evening, why?" You asked, both of you ignoring him.

"Just want you to be careful. You're wounds have healed but that doesn't mean you can be reckless and get yourself hurt again." 

"Hey!" Bakugo continued until he face planted on to the floor with a flick of Jeanist's finger.

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