~Thirty One~

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(Hi, I'm trying to get a lot of critic on my stories. I'm currently writing another one along side this one and I'm taking in a lot of the advice I've gotten so far. If you know people who would like to help me improve my writing, please send them my story. And don't be afraid to leave some criticism or just your thoughts. I listen to any and all advice :) Thanks <3 )

On the day of the last and final exam, you were all standing in the center plaza at the exam center. There were quite a few teachers with you this time. They explained that you would not be fighting robots but instead would be paired in groups of two and fight one teacher. The teachers would have a handicap, wearing half of their body weight while fighting. 

"The pairs, and who the pair will be up against has already been decided. These were decided at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades and interpersonal relationships. Here are the pairs: Todoroki and Yaoyorozu against me. Midoriya and Bakugo are a team and they'll be fighting..." Eraeser head presented to the class. As if on cue, when he stopped talking, All Might jumped down and landed in front of him.

"I'll do it!"

"All Might!?" Both boys were in shock.

"Work together to beat me, you two!" 

This was going to be one interesting fight. Those two really didn't get along, not even if the situation called for it. You and Bakugo clashed a lot to and so did him and Todoroki but he could at least set aside whatever resentment he held for you two if need be. But when it came to Midoriya, it felt like even if he breathed wrong Bakugo would get angry. He held onto some strong feelings when it came to him.

Principle Nezu announced the rest of the pairs and which teacher they would be fighting until no teacher or student was left but your name had still not been called. You hesitantly raised your hand.

"Yes Y/n?" Principle Nezu smiled warmly at you.

"You didn't say who I'd pair with or who we'd fight." 

"Ah yes I almost forgot. Since the class has an odd number of students and you will be in a group of three."

"With who?" 

"Bakugo and Midoriya." Aizawa said.

Bakugo glared at you while Midoriya just seemed relieved. All Might gave you a big smile along with a thumbs up.

"Do I have to? Can't I just take it by myself?" You turned to the teachers.

"No, the whole point of you coming to U.A is to integrate you into society and make you a hero. That includes teamwork." Nezu's smile seemed to get brighter every time you looked at him. 

With a long sigh you accepted your fate, fighting with a hothead who didn't listen and a nerd who couldn't stop admiring or crying at everything he saw. You weren't looking forward to fighting All Might though, no matter who you were partnered up with, that man was too strong and you knew this would be difficult. 

All the students slowly dispersed to go talk strategies and a few went to the monitor room. You wanted to find Bakugo since he was paired with you and Midoriya. You knew he wouldn't try working with Midoriya so you wanted to see if you could talk some sense into him. You found him sitting by himself in an empty room.

"Mind if I join?" You asked as you entered the room.


"Thanks." You sat down next to him.

"Hey I said I mind so leav-" He yelled at you.

"What do you think's gonna happen if you fail?" He stopped shouting and looked at you. Then his gaze fell to the floor.

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