~Twenty Eight~

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The week went by fast and school resumed as usual. After a hero excersize with All Might, the class of 1A moved onto the next lesson and then the next until the end of the day. 

"Summer vacation is starting soon but you can't just sit around for that whole month. We will have a training camp in the woods. Those who don't pass the final exams before then will be in summer school hell." Aizawa told the students. 

"I'm getting excited!" Hagakure waved her invisible arms around. 

"Everyone, let's do our best!" Kirishima yelled out to the class.

"Let's test our courage!" Mina cheered. 

While the students talked about their new summer plans, one wasn't paying any attention. She sat in the back of the class mindlessly scrolling through articles on her phone. 

'Ito Eiji, bank robbery'

'Apartment building set on fire, Ito Eiji'

'Break in by, Ito Eiji, at weapon store'

Y/n looked through each article involving her brother's recent endeavors. 'All he's doing is commiting  crimes and getting away with it. But why? He's been quiet for 5 years, why suddenly start doing this now?' She pondered over her brother's actions as of late. Could he be trying to get their father's attention. Maybe he was lost in life and didn't know what to do. None of the Ito kids had liked their parents approach to life yet it was all they knew. Law and rules meant nothing to them. All they followed were orders. Their father's order's when they were younger, but who was ordering Eiji around now. And where was Daichi, the one who always tried to lead by example and trusted his good morals. Sure Eiji had always been a mean and angry child but this was unlike him. The kids had always been threatened by their father until they did as they were told. Could it be that Eiji was still with their father.

As Y/n contemplated these thoughts that were flooding her mind, she failed to notice the classroom fall silent. Her phone was snatched from her hands and she was snapped back to reality. 

"What do you think you're doing? No phone's are allowed in the classroom." Aizawa scolded her. 

She just shrugged and put her head down on the desk. Aizawa flipped her phone around and looked at the screen, eyes widening. He hadn't realized she was thinking about her brothers. He hadn't even thought to ask after clips of reporters throwing questions at her aired on the news. The man had noticed she would be in her own head a lot and her attention span was getting worse. He could tell something was wrong, he just didn't know what. He gave the girl a sentimental look before placing his hand on her head. 

"Let's talk later. I'm taking this for now." 

The school day ended and Y/n waited for her teacher and guardian by the parking lot. The car ride home was quiet. No one said a word. Not even when they entered the house. They sat on the couch in silence for a bit until Aizawa let out a deep sigh. 

"You can always talk to me you know." 

"About what?" Y/n grumbled at him.

"Anything and everything. About what your're thinking, about what you're going through. You can act like you don't care or that you don't feel anything all you want but I can tell when something is bothering you. You've been worried about your brother and you can talk to me about it."

"Don't act like you know me or care about me! It pisses me off that you-" She stopped herself from speaking anymore.

It pissed her off how he could see through her so easily, like all her efforts to hide it were useless. It pissed her off that he could tell when she wasn't doing well before she realized it herself. And what pissed her off the most was the fact that he cared so much for her and took such great care of her. But she could never say these things to his face and she didn't need to. Aizawa already knew how she felt about him. She wasn't used to this. For her a father was someone who looked out for himself and didn't care about his own children. A father was someone who would put their kids in danger or was the danger himself. Not someone who was kind, gentle and understanding. A father wasn't someone who protected their child despite getting hurt themselves. Someone who waited to eat his food until the kid had taken the first bite. Someone who put the kids needs and wants above their own. Aizawa contradicted everything that she believed a father to be, which is why she could never call him that.

"I know it's hard to talk about these things but you need to let it out. Maybe I could help you somehow." 

"How are you gonna stop my brain from thinking!? Stop being stupid and just leave me alone!" She snapped at him. All he did was to put a hand to her shoulder and look into her eyes to show her he really wanted to help. Her gaze dropped to the floor and she let out a deep sigh.

"I just wanna know what's going on with him. I wanna help him but how do I even do that? I left them both to deal with my father without me. They probably hate me." 

"I doubt they hate you."

"How can you be so sure?" 

"Because it's so hard to hate you. Yeah you might not be the nicest person out there but you are an amazing girl who tries to help others by giving subtle advice. You don't want them to notice that you care so you pass it off as just speaking your mind or telling the truth. You work hard and always excel at what you do. You always make sure to cook food for me even though you say that you made too much for yourself. You like helping and taking care of others but don't want them to know. You may come off as mean and tough but you're actually really caring and soft on the inside. It's hard to hate someone like that." 

With these words, her eyes snapped back to look at Aizawa, to which he gave her a reassuring smile. 

"So are you gonna tell me what's on your mind?" 

"I just wanted to know what he had been up to. I wanted to see him again so I thought maybe a photo was enough but, now I just wanna go out and find both of them. I couldn't find anything about Daichi. "

"Maybe he's not a criminal or he just hasn't been caught yet."

"Or my dad's got him locked up somewhere and is torturing him." 

"Don't think such dark thoughts."

"You don't know my dad. It's something he really would do." 

Aizawa fell silent. What else could be said. Y/n had experienced this firsthand. She had been by her father's side, against her will, for 10 years. Of course she knew what he was like. 

That night Y/n felt uneasy. She didn't wanna sleep alone so in the middle of the night, she crept into Aizawa's room and scooted under the covers. She quickly fell asleep whilst hugging his arm. Aizawa opened his eyes and grinned at this child-like side of her. He kissed her forehead before drifting off to sleep.

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