~Thirty Three~

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You, Bakugo and Midoriya were running towards the exit.

"Almost there... If one of us can get through then we win. It doesn't seem like he's chasing us. Don't tell me we knocked him out with that blast." Midoriya started to ramble.

"Deku, didn't you keep saying there was no way we could beat him, you idiot..." You gritted your teeth, trying to calm yourself down. Midoriya's rambles really got on your nerves.

"There's no way he was knocked out by that, scum! The next time he shows up, it'll be my turn to blow him away with my gauntlet!" Bakugo yelled.

While the three of you had made your escape, far behind you All Might had made his move. One push against the ground and he was standing beside you.

"Yes, yes and then?" All Might asked as he ran between you and Bakugo.

Bakugo turned instantly and blasted at him only for All Might to crush his gauntlet with a punch. He punched Midoriya, destroying the other gauntlet as well.

"Even like this, because of these weights, I'm not even at my top speed. Now, die heroes!"

All might kneed Bakugo in the face, sending him flying into a building. You and All Might got into a fist fight. Your fists engulfed in shadows and light, you did your best to keep up. It was more of you getting beat up while only landing a few hits back. He picked you up by the leg and threw you away like you were a ball. Your back hit a car so hard that the metal caved in around you as blood trickled down your face once again.

When Midoriya tried to go and help you, All Might grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Then Bakugo came flying back. All Might used Midoriya as a bat and hit Bakugo. He crashed onto the ground and when the smoke cleared, All Might had one foot on Bakugo's back and was still holding Midoriya up by his hand.

"That's wonderful, kids! You cooperated, reluctantly, and faced me! However, that was a requirement for this exam." He threw Midoriya away.

"Getting away from me with your maximum power, and then getting through the escape gate. That seemed to have been your answer but now that I've destroyed Young Bakugo's gauntlets and trapped Young Y/n in that car, you've lost that maximum firepower. It's over."

Bakugo gritted his teeth. He was still laying on his stomach under All Might's foot. He turned his palm around.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

A giant explosion came from his palm, attacking All Might from underneath. The explosion was so powerful that he flew away, freeing Bakugo. Bakugo grunted out in pain from the excessive use of his quirk. He walked over to Midoriya and picked him up.

"I'm gonna send you flying!" He pulled Midoriya over his shoulder.

"I don't like it, but with what we've got right now, this is the only way to win! Die!" With his scream of death, he sent Midoriya flying towards the escape gate with a big blast.

He then walked over to you with a frown.

"Need any help?"

"No, just give me a second." You grunted at the pain before melting the car with a touch of your palm.

Both you and Bakugo seemed shocked.

"I didn't know you could do that." He grumbled in anger.

"I didn't either."

Your intention was to incinerate the car but since you were weaker now, after the beating, you couldn't emit as much light. 'Maybe the weaker light caused the car to melt instead of being turned to dust and smoke' You shrugged it off, deciding to focus on it later and got ready to defend Midoriya.

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