~Thirty Two~

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(Quick question about my other story. Should I write it in a me/I/my point of view or should I write it as a third person story. Like imagine someone else is telling the story. 1 or 2. 1 - I heard him call out to me. Or 2 - She heard him call out to her. Please let me know because I still haven't decided <3 )

Bakugo was usually a very good fighter, not only was he strong but also smart. He knew how to strategize and get the best outcome. So this time, you couldn't understand why he was rushing himself to finish this. 'Why is he being so impatient?' You furrowed your brows deeply with a big frown on your face as you tried to keep yourself awake with your thoughts.

Bakugo pushed himself and slowly got up. Midoriya tried to get the metal railing that was pushing down on his back, out of the ground. You slapped your cheeks and shook your head to keep yourself from passing out. You saw All Might approaching Bakugo so you immediately got in between them.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I'm not a teacher today, I'm a villain." He said to you.

"Yeah well usually I'm the villain but now I'm a hero so let's just see where this goes." You shrugged as your teacher got into a fighting position.

You knew you were screwed but you would still try. He sent another punch towards you which you blocked with a shadow. You did stumble back from the sheer strength this man possessed but you didn't let that stop you. You got down, one leg covered in light and kicked his shin. He fell on one knee with a grunt. You took this as your chance and punched him in the face with a light covered fist. A burn mark of your fist was left on his cheek. He raised his hand to his face as he felt the sting. In this moment, you realized your light was more effective towards him but it was also very dangerous. Your light powers gave you the ability to destroy things if you wanted, so you knew that you couldn't go overboard with this.

All Might raised his leg in the air and smashed it into the ground. It started shaking and you fell on your back. In a flash, he was standing above you, ready to punch. You quickly raised shadows between you and him as a shield as his fist closed the gap. The shadows shattered on impact but they also stopped his attack from getting any closer to you. In an attempt to get away from him, a light beam shot in his face. It was a weak one, only meant to momentarily blind him. You got up and dashed away as fast as you could, putting some much needed distance between you. Once his sight was back, he turned his focus on Midoriya who was still trapped. His arm pulled back and he was getting ready to punch the air, sending a massive wind towards the boy. Before he could release his arm, a whip made of light grabbed his arm. A hissing noise came from the contact and you knew it was burning his sleeve. Smoke started to rise as the whip burned through his sleeve and reached his skin. His face scrunched up at the pain. He pulled his arm forward, pulling the whip and you along with it. The whip disappeared and another light beam shot at him. You had no intention of getting close to him again.

Before the light could reach him, he punched the air, strong winds blew away the light. You raised your left arm in the air, one finger pointed up. He looked closely at you, getting ready for your next attack. You quickly let your finger fall down, pointing straight at the ground as a shower of meteor lights rained down on him. He dodged every single one and before long your vision started to get blurry. All Might took this chance and grabbed your arm, lifted you up and slowly made his way to some buildings.

"You did well Young Y/n! But you alone are not enough to win." With that, he slammed you into the building and started running alongside it.

Without letting go of your arm, he continued to run, dragging you through the buildings as they broke and crumbled around you. He finally stopped, let go of you and turned away, leaving you stuck in the wall. Your eyes had gone completely white and you threw up a bunch of blood. Your body went limp for a moment. You coughed up some more blood, this time the coughing got you unstuck from the building and you fell down on the ground.

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