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After a long wait you're being dragged to UA by Aizawa. In the end you got the letter and are starting in class 1-A that also happens to be the class Aizawa is teaching. 'This is going to be awkward.' You thought as you got to class. He said he had to do some teacher stuff so you should go ahead and choose a seat. 

You sighed and walked into the room filled with students. As soon as you got in through the door all eyes were on you.

"Hey you're one of the recommended students aren't you?" A boy with blonde spiky hair and crimson red eyes asked you with anger laced all throughout his words. 

"Yeah so what?" You sighed.

He walked up to you and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt. As he pulled you closer, he hesitated for a second. Recognizing who you were.

"Don't think you're any better than me just because you didn't have to apply!" He yelled at you. He didn't care about who you were, he would defeat you regardless.

"I'm the strongest student here so DON'T YOU DARE GET IN MY WAY!" He screamed. You just stood there and pushed his hand away.

"We'll see about that." You smirked.

"You LITTLE-" He started but got cut off by Aizawa.

"If you're just here to fight than you can pack up your stuff now." He said. 

Both you and blondy turned around and saw him lying on the ground in his yellow sleeping bag.

"Welcome to UA's hero course." He said and unzipped the sleeping bag a little so he could drink his juice. Short fuse next to you seemed annoyed about his new teacher and looked at him with disgust in his eyes while you just stood there, cringe filling your body.

You made your way to the back of the class as he got up and got out of his sleeping bag while kind of scolding the two of you. 

"It took you too long to stop fighting. Time is precious here and you can't keep doing this. Rational students would understand."  He looked around in the classroom for a second and then introduced himself.

"Hello I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher." The whole class sounded surprised that such an old lazy dump would be their teacher for the next three years.

"Before we start if you don't mind me asking sir." A boy with green fluffy hair asked.

"Go ahead." 

"Why is a rebel hero in this school?" He said pointing at you. He was reffering to an interview you had about being recommended to U.A.  You told everyone that you had no intentions of becoming a hero and would rather be a villain. Ever since that day you gained the nickname the rebel hero and weren't allowed to go on as many missions but would still be dragged to one every now and then.

Aizawa sighed and looked over at you only to see your face as expressionless as usual.

"Wait! She's Nightmare! She helps pro heroes on missions." A boy with a......birds face? said.

"Her parents were evil villains but no one knows who they are." A boy with spiky red hair and shark teeth said as he turned around and leaned over to get a closer look at you. You were sitting right behind him. 

"Yes her parents are villains no need to keep that a secret." Aizawa said.

"Then why is she here?" The green haired boy asked.

"She's here to get her hero license like the rest of you. She doesn't have it yet but she will soon." He said making you frown. The last thing you wanted to be doing today was sit in a classroom filled with kids who aspired to be heroes.

"I don't even wanna be here." You frowned even more.

"Then why are you here?" Bakugo growled.

"Hehe that's a good question." You smirked as Aizawa gave you a look, telling you to behave.

"After my interview a while back, people feel that it would be best to get me reformed. So U.A is basicly my concentration camp." You scoffed. Aizawa motioned for you to come to the front of the class.

"That's enough Y/n. Introduce yourself like a normal person." Aizawa said shooting you a glare.

 "I'm Y/n Ito and I won't hesitate to kill any of you." You smirked.

"Can you not?" Aizawa said and slapped the back of your head.

"Um Mr. Aizawa? Are you sure it's safe for us to be in the same room as her?" A tall girl with black hair said sounding a little scared.

Despite being popular with the public, a lot of that popularity was due to the fact that people were scared of you. You had a powerful quirk and the mindset of a villain while working for heroes. It was a weird combo and not many could understand it so they chose to fear it.

"It is completely safe. Keep in mind she is training to be a hero here just like the rest of you."

"Against my own free will." You mumbled to yourself.

"That's enough." Aizawa ushered you back to your seat. The whole class seemed to be scared or startled by your presence except for a few. You could see Bakugo glaring at you, to which you glared back. You also recognized the half and half boy from the exam you took. After a small silence Aizawa spoke up.

"Right let's get started. Put these on and head outside." He said and pulled out gym uniforms from his sleeping bag.

Once everyone was outside, Mr. Aizawa announced that you wouldn't go to the orientation and would have a quirk asessment instead.

"UA isn't a traditional school which means I get to teach my class however I see fit. You will be using you're quirks in a physical exam. Bakugo you got the highest score in the entrance exams. What was your farthest distance throw at softball when you were in junior high?" He asked short fuse.

"6 to 7 meters, I think." He said rather calm for his behavior.

"Right now try doing it with your quirk." He said and Bakugo got in the little white circle that was on the ground. 

He got in position and threw the ball with an explosion. While it was in the air Mr. Aizawa started talking again. 

"All of you need to know your maximum capebalities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." He said and showed Bakugo's score. 705.2 meters.

"Woah 705 meters, are you kidding me?" Another blonde boy said but he had some black streaks in his hair. 

"I wanna go! That looks like fun!" The pink horns girl clapped her hands together.

"This is what I'm takin about! Using our quirks as much as we want!" A boy with black straight hair said.

"So this looks like fun? You will have three years here and you think it's gonna be all fun and games? Idiots. Today you'll be in 8 physical tests to gage your potential, whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately." He said making the class gasp in shock.

While the tests were going on you took notice of some students quirks, the weirdest one being a navel laser or the grape boy maybe. You also did your best to get the highest scores because you knew Aizawa would kill you if you didn't.

The class moved on to the next test and it was the ball throwing one. After gravity girl it was the green haired boys turn. He got ready to throw the ball. Charging up his arm when it all of a sudden stopped and his ball landed only 46 meters in front of him. He looked shocked. Like he didn't understand what happened. 

You noticed that Aizawa had activated his quirk and that he was the reason the boys quirk didn't work and soon enough the boy realized it to.

"You're the erasing hero Eraser head!" He said and the class started talking about Aizawa.

"A quirk like yours is useless in battle if you break after one punch." Aizawa said.

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