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During that week you, Todoroki and Bakugo trained regularly every day after school. Students from your class who had heard that you three would be practicing together, instantly ran to the teachers to warn them. The teacher's held a last minute urgent meeting immediately after being told. This meant that you ended up having to wait in the car for Aizawa instead that day and he became your supervisor. The three of you weren't allowed to practice without his presence and he wasn't allowed to help you with the training in any way. During these practices, Bakugo's odd behavior didn't stop. He would still pick fights with you and mouth off but he tried his best not to talk to you at all and you noticed. Right now you were in the middle of fighting Todoroki. Bakugo was waiting for his turn to fight you. 

He lifted his right arm and ice spread around you. You let rays of light destroy and melt the ice while you ran towards him. It was harder for him to fight in close-range since his quirk was better suited for long-range attacks. Something you had picked up on when you were training for the sports festival was that Todoroki sucked at hand to hand combat and would usually block or dodge. You wanted to use this to your advantage in a quirk fight and see how he'd do. As you closed in on him, his left hand went up. Huge flames came rushing at you and you barely had enough time to react. 

'He chose to wait until I was too close to dodge but still far away enough to not reach him. He's playing it safe and trying to scare me off with a big attack when I try to minimize the distance.'

You didn't apprieciate a trick like that. Blocking the fire with a shield made of shadows, you decided to use the remaining flames as a cover for your next attack. All Todoroki could see were the big red flames he had sent your way. Suddenly, spikes made of shadows emerged on his end. It was a quick attack, one he didn't see coming and had a hard time blocking. His flames disappeared as soon as an ice wall was hurriedly put up in front of him. Not wasting any time, you jumped over the ice and landed a kick to his face. He stumbled back but quickly regained his footing. One fist engulfed in fire, he was ready to fight you.

"Taking inspiration from your opponent I see." You smirked at his immetation of your own technique.

"Worked pretty well against the Nomu, and you can't regenerate like them."

You only chuckled at his words. You let the shadows cover your right hand, made a fist then let the shadows harden. Bakugo recognized this move and so did Aizawa. Both of them looked at you and then at the wide eyed Todoroki.

"You're not the only one who watches their classmates." 

Rushing forward, straight for his stomach, you landed the first punch. He didn't hold back this time though. He knew he couldn't beat you like this and it would be to his advantage to put some distance between you again but he accepted the challenge. He elbowed you in the back before the pain from your punch settled. Your knees hit the ground and then it was instantly turned to ice. He froze the ground and your legs with it. With one punch from your shadow hardened fist, the ice shattered and you were back on your feet. Another wave of flames came dancing towards you. His fire was hard to dodge since it was so wild and out of control but the same reasons that made it difficult to dodge, also made it harder for Todoroki to manage. 

You could tell he would easily overheat from using his flames since they came out in such big bursts.

"Try alternating more frequently between your quirks. Helps regulate your body and balances out the effects that the quirks have on it." 

"Alright, thanks." 

In the end you got too into the fight and almost bashed his head in with your knew hardened shadow fist. Luckily Aizawa eraesed your quirk in time for Todoroki to just get a normal punch to the back of his head. You all sat down for a break. Bakugo kept looking at you with a weird look before reluctantly saying what was on his mind.

"The hell were you doing, giving him advice in the middle of a fight?" 

"We're classmates, not sworn enemies." 

"Yeah but he was your opponent. You're not supposed to help him while fighting. What's the point then?" He grumbled.

"If you were in a real fight against a villain, one of your comrades might tell you a move or technique you've never tried before. Being able to adapt to new situations and styles in the middle of a heated battle is an important skill to have and should be trained properly." Aizawa explained to him and he nodded.

"It's hard to switch between them so often. How do you do it so smoothly? I mean you can even use both quirks at the same time without any problem." Todoroki asked you.

"Most of the time I don't use them at the same time, I just switch really fast. I can't use both at once for a long period of time. It overworks my muscles and bones. I could crack my bones or shatter them beyond repair if I don't do it right. My skin could also just burst open randomly but I think that's just a personal issue for me." 

"Having two quirks seems like more work than it's worth." Bakugo took a sip of water. 

"It's a lot of work but in the end it's worth it. You just need to learn to be more aware of the effects on yourself and how to counteract them." You told him.

"How did you make your shadows hard though?" Todoroki asked you. This peeked Bakugo's interest. They seemed to be curious about your quirk.

"I always say, you can learn a lot just by watching. So one day after seeing Kirishima train, I thought I'd give it a go. Try to apply his methods to my quirk and see what happens." 

"You did the same thing with Bakugo's quirk at the sports festival." Todoroki reminded, which pissed Bakugo off.

"Don't copy my shit again! Make up your own damn methods!" 

"You should try doing the same. Look at how other people use their quirks and see how compatible it is with yours." 

"That's good advice as well, Y/n." Aizawa patted you on the head. Like most times you push his hand away and continue to drink some water.

Time passed and the finals came. You had three long days of written exams, on the fourth and last day it was time for the practical exams.

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