Back to the fairy tale

Start from the beginning

As Qrow instructed, the four girls got off the next station. They looked like four huntresses that just came from a mission. None of them particularly looked conspicuous so they were left alone by people. Ruby looked around, searching for Qrow and spotted him alone across the road.

"Hey, kiddo. Took you long enough." He grinned at them. Ruby and Yang were relieved to see him but he had to answer a few questions. After all, he's connected to Ozpin which meant he might snitch. Not just to Ozpin.

All four of them crossed the road. Ruby and Yang threw themselves on their uncle for a tight hug. Weiss and Blake smiled at him, nodding to greet. Qrow led them off the street and to the neighborhood. With the four of them looking around, Qrow was safe from interrogation at the moment.

They stopped in front of a house that's just like many others in the city. It was at the flat section of the town where they overlooked the Atlesian military base and the bridge. It was a pretty view but whose house was this?

"Come on in. Dinner's about to be done." Qrow headed up the stairs but the four of them looked up at him with suspicion. He turned to look at them. "What?"

"Who's house is this exactly?" Weiss asked for all of them. Why does she have a bad feeling about this?

Qrow looked up the building, giving them all a loop sided grin. "Someone you all can trust." That's all he gave them before entering the house.

Ruby tried listening in the house, trying to catch the voices of people inside but the place had charms in it. It was a witch's house. Yang and Blake stuck together before they entered, confident that they can take on whoever was inside. Weiss held on to Ruby just in case it meant trouble.

The last pair entered and found themselves in front of a familiar pair of faces.

"As I live and breathe! Ruby Rose." Coco Adel stepped in front of the group with a smile. Ruby stiffened up. She remembered what they did to Velvet. Coco is known to be very protective of Velvet because it was rumored that they were in a relationship. "You have yet to explain yourself."

"Coco, don't. It's fine." Velvet came out of the kitchen with a tray of warm drinks for the four. "Hey, guys."

"Velvet?" Blake raised her brows and looked at Qrow. How does he know these guys? As far as she knows, they're second years.

Weiss hid behind Ruby, hiding. She was the reason why Ruby had to do a spell on Velvet in the first place. Coco spotted the white-haired girl hiding and smiled at the vampire.

"So it's true. Weiss is alive." Coco looked at Ruby. "You know, you're very good at hiding that to the rest of the world."

Ruby, Yang, and Blake looked at Qrow who was lounging at the living room. He laughed. "You should see your faces."

" you know Qrow?" Weiss was the first to ask. Coco and Velvet exchanged a look.

Ruby looked around the house and she saw the charms. Heavy protective spells and the number of polished crystals around. This wasn't just a normal home. "Which one of you is a witch?"

"Very good! Your uncle was right, you are perceptive." Coco chuckled. She handed them the warm drinks, urging them to take a sip. "Go on. Should make you feel better. "

All four of them took a look at the drink. It looked like normal tea. They all drank up and was surprised. Weiss was a little clueless but she can tell it was no ordinary tea. Her muscle pains seem to be feeling better immediately and her aura was slowly getting replenished. Ruby was looking a little better too. The same could be said for the rest of them.

"You must have a lot of questions." Velvet guessed as she took their mugs once they finished and brought them back to the kitchen for washing. Coco let them in the house and made them sit. The girls dropped their things at a side before resting up.

"Summer had a strong name among the witches around Remnant. A silver-eyes warrior who's a witch is no joke. She contributed a lot to our community even as a student. You can say she's the reason why I know your uncle." Coco revealed. Qrow shrugged.

Ruby looked up at her. "Does that mean you knew how to remove the spell I put on Velvet?" She inquired at Coco.

"Oh, I did. You may know how to do witchcraft but you've been gone too long. You didn't pick the craft up once you got back. From what I heard, you did it to stay hidden." Coco sat with them, crossing her legs. "Sure, you're powerful but you lack practice."

Weiss watched the interaction between Coco and Ruby happen but she was a little out of the loop. Ruby had mentioned she was a witch and could heal her but her magic can do so much more than healing? If it's true, that means Ruby's mom could have been one of the most powerful witches in the record. She didn't even know how she was turned to a vampire yet because attending school made a wedge between them before they could discuss the matter properly. Suddenly knowing about this now was...

"Weiss," Yang called out to her, placing a warm hand on her shoulder. Weiss knew she had much to learn about Ruby but that was an understatement.

Coco can feel the girl's distress. "Velvet, show the girls to their rooms. It's enough discussing for a day."

Velvet came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands. "And while I do that, you watch the food in the kitchen." Coco nodded, heading off to the kitchen. "Come on, guys. Let's get you settled in."

Weiss took a deep breath and stood up. Ruby took her hand as they walked. "Are you upset?" The vampire asked.

"Not really. I guess I just forgot to ask you again before the mess began." Weiss replied, squeezing her lover's hand. All of them followed Velvet up the stairs to their rooms while Qrow watched them walk up.

The man knew that his niece and the Schnee girl were lovers but now that school's out, their relationship's about to be tested. Reality's just catching up on them and there was much for Weiss to learn about the world she was dragged into.

"I need a drink." Qrow stood up and headed to the kitchen. Coco looked up at him and tossed him a medium-sized vial full of red liquid.

"No alcohol. You may be older but this is my house. Besides, should I tell Winter that you're here?" Coco asked as she continued cooking. Qrow scowled. He didn't want to be found. There was only so much he could take.

"Don't do a single thing. I'm here for my nieces."

The day was proving to be a better one but there were still so many unanswered questions. 


I have been editing and trying to fix the earlier chapters of the fanfic. I also re-watced RWBY! 

Sorry if this one's a little sloppy. I hope you are all alright. With what's happening in the world, I can only pray that you're all safe. 

Thank you for reading this. I hope you all have a safe and good day. Take care of yourselves!

I might take a break a bit...We're gonna be moving houses soon!

With love, 

The Bloodstained RoseWhere stories live. Discover now